顾客好评 01 :
顾客说马桶全都是油,没用的油被排除体外。 身体不再吸收无用处的脂肪。有效,而且效果明显,一小包Clean5 马上见效。
Oily oily oily is so oily. Clean 5 make my toilet bowl became oily. My body no longer absorbing unused fat, and it will release perfectly from my body. Clean 5 is very effectiveness and result are clear as seen from the picture.
顾客好评 02 :
顾客说Clean 5 好有效短短两天排出油粒。顾客才用我们的clean 5 两天。 在吃东西前吃下一小包的Clean 5,2天后效果就出来了。因为食物通常都会经过油炸,油炒,或者食物油来烹饪, 这些油都会转变成我们身体的脂肪。Clean 5 就有效阻止您身体再吸收这些多余的油脂。 现在就马上试看吧!
Customer mention that only 2 days, Clean 5 have clean the fat out from her body. She just consumed 1 small pack before having normal meal. After 2 days, she start to release oil when going to the toilet. Our food will always have cooking oil that use to fry, cook, and etc, and when our body absorb it, it will become fat and store in our body. Clean 5 have very strong effect to block those un-used fat/oil out from our body. Surprise the result? Test our Clean 5 today!

顾客好评 03 :顾客说:顾客说Clean 5 的味道很不错,不会难吃;而且有少许酸酸甜甜的。 吃了第二天排油出来。 最重要的是顾客说排出来的油是一层红红类似辣椒油的颜色,超级恶心,还好这个油没被身体吸收。
Customer Testimonial 03:
Customer mention: According to customer, Clean 5 taste are very nice, it taste a bit sour and sweet too. The most important is after have the Clean5, my body release oil liquid on second day. The oil was look like red in color, just like chili oil, very disgusting. Luckily this was not absorb by the body.