星期三, 十月 10, 2018
Customer's Payment 收米图 | 10月份 October 2018
星期三, 十月 10, 2018
21 Days,
21 Package,
21 Ultimate,
7 focus,
Clean 5,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
星期二, 三月 07, 2017
One month loss 11kg, From 80kg to 69kg 一个月时间, 从原本的80kg ,掉到现在的69kg || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex #274
星期二, 三月 07, 2017
Black VIP,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
VIP见证 274:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex见证感言:以前的我不敢照镜子,因为我很肥,看到镜子,我就会很自卑,可是现在不同了,我现在虽然还是算肥婆,可是我不会再像以前那样了,自卑了,现在人瘦了一点,自信开始也回来了
从原本的80kg ,掉到现在的69kg!!开心到睡不着,没想到短时间内减掉11kg.
VIP Testimonial 274:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex customer feedback: Not really dare to face myself in front of miror, because i'm fat, i'll inferiority. Now is difference, although i still a bit fat, but i not like previous, i more confident now.
My body weight was from 80kg dropped to 69kg!! Super happy until i can't sleep; can't imagine i can lose so much weight on short of prior.
Now easy to find cloth and dress that i wanted to wear, not like last time, no matter how i wear also look ugly. Thank to VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex.
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex (60 capsule)
星期三, 二月 01, 2017
【金鸡拜年啦!】 祝身体安康, 事事顺利|| Wishing you Happy 2017 Lunar Year.
星期三, 二月 01, 2017
7 focus,
Black VIP,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
XS Concentrated Serum,
Zero Detox,
Zero Plus,
好快年初五了, 开工的亲朋戚友, 开工大吉。
还在过年的, 祝身体安康, 事事顺利。
#VIP #全身瘦 #燃烧脂肪
#7Focus #瘦大象腿 #快速减重 #解决水肿
#ZeroPlus #清毒 #解决便秘
#Clean5 #排油 #阻挡肥脂
#XsConcentratedSerum #强力滚局部瘦身膏
♛咨询我们: 0162208564
♛ 面交地点► Puchong, 沙登, Subang◄
♛ 大量现货!零售、诚聘招收代理及欢迎美容界批发!
星期二, 一月 10, 2017
VIP Bio Mangosteen complex || Testimonial 见证 246 || Lose Weight fast, easy and no reflect 瘦身更加的轻松, 不会反弹
星期二, 一月 10, 2017
Black VIP,
diet fast,
fast slim,
lose weight fast,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
VIP Bio Mangosteen complex见证246:
VIP见证感言: 瘦了!瘦了!瘦了下来的感觉真的太棒了!感恩能遇到VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,让我的瘦身旅程更加的轻松愉快。 什么粗手臂,大肚腩,大象腿,统统都退下来了!以前穿不下的衣服现在很容易就套上了 而且瘦下来后停止服用一点都不会反弹哟!VIP棒棒哒。
VIP Bio Mangosteen complex Testimonial 246:
VIP Customer Commend: I'm Slim! I'm Slim! I'm Slim! Feeling good when I'm Slim! Glad that i met this great slimming product VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, the process of dieting become easy and more enjoyable. Rough arm, big tummy belly, elephant legs, all retrieved! Cloth and dress that i not dare to look at it, now i can easily put it on. The greatness part, after i stop using it, it totally wont reflect! I love this VIP.
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VIP见证感言: 瘦了!瘦了!瘦了下来的感觉真的太棒了!感恩能遇到VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,让我的瘦身旅程更加的轻松愉快。 什么粗手臂,大肚腩,大象腿,统统都退下来了!以前穿不下的衣服现在很容易就套上了 而且瘦下来后停止服用一点都不会反弹哟!VIP棒棒哒。
VIP Bio Mangosteen complex Testimonial 246:
VIP Customer Commend: I'm Slim! I'm Slim! I'm Slim! Feeling good when I'm Slim! Glad that i met this great slimming product VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, the process of dieting become easy and more enjoyable. Rough arm, big tummy belly, elephant legs, all retrieved! Cloth and dress that i not dare to look at it, now i can easily put it on. The greatness part, after i stop using it, it totally wont reflect! I love this VIP.
星期四, 十一月 24, 2016
#丢回 || 男见证说:跟了我接近半辈子的肚腩终于可以离开我了。|| #Throwback Male Testimonial said: Finally i can break up with my fat tummy.
星期四, 十一月 24, 2016
Black VIP,
fast weight loss,
fat belly,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex见证13:
之前是看朋友瘦下,所以就买来试吃,感谢VIP 让我瘦了下来~不再为肥胖而烦恼
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial 13:
VIP customer said: Seeing my friend getting slim previously, then i decided to buy one and try too. gratitude that i have tried VIP, now i am slim. No more stress why can't be slim.
With in a short prior, i able to lose weight of 4kg! Amazing!
♛咨询我们: 0162208564
♛ 面交地点► Puchong, 沙登, Subang◄
♛ 大量现货!零售、诚聘招收代理及欢迎美容界批发!
#7Focus #瘦腿 #快速瘦下 #解决水肿问题
#VIP #瘦全身 #燃烧脂肪
#ZeroPlus #排毒 #解决便秘
#Clean5 #排油 #阻挡肥油
Read More
之前是看朋友瘦下,所以就买来试吃,感谢VIP 让我瘦了下来~不再为肥胖而烦恼
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial 13:
VIP customer said: Seeing my friend getting slim previously, then i decided to buy one and try too. gratitude that i have tried VIP, now i am slim. No more stress why can't be slim.
With in a short prior, i able to lose weight of 4kg! Amazing!
♛咨询我们: 0162208564
♛ 面交地点► Puchong, 沙登, Subang◄
♛ 大量现货!零售、诚聘招收代理及欢迎美容界批发!
#7Focus #瘦腿 #快速瘦下 #解决水肿问题
#VIP #瘦全身 #燃烧脂肪
#ZeroPlus #排毒 #解决便秘
#Clean5 #排油 #阻挡肥油
星期一, 十一月 07, 2016
因下半身肥胖, 被男朋友嫌棄而失戀了 || VIP 让这位美眉瘦了10公斤, 男友都后悔了。
星期一, 十一月 07, 2016
Black VIP,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证212:
VIP 见证感言: 我屬於下半身肥胖的人,每次都被身邊的人笑我是大象腿,更加離譜的就是被人取笑是路上行走的圓球,甚至被男朋友嫌棄而失戀了,我嘗試過很多的產品,花了很多錢都沒有瘦下來,幸好我認識了這套產品,我原本抱著不相信這個產品的心態,但是在我服用產品的一個星期就已經輕了2KG,接下來慢慢的看見驚人的效果,我就很高興的相我的代理商報喜,身邊很多朋友都說我瘦了呢!以前的體重是68KG,現在我已經是57.5的體重了哦!現在的我已經是而且我可以穿上我想穿的衣服啦!讓我找回信心了!太感謝了!
Read More
VIP 见证感言: 我屬於下半身肥胖的人,每次都被身邊的人笑我是大象腿,更加離譜的就是被人取笑是路上行走的圓球,甚至被男朋友嫌棄而失戀了,我嘗試過很多的產品,花了很多錢都沒有瘦下來,幸好我認識了這套產品,我原本抱著不相信這個產品的心態,但是在我服用產品的一個星期就已經輕了2KG,接下來慢慢的看見驚人的效果,我就很高興的相我的代理商報喜,身邊很多朋友都說我瘦了呢!以前的體重是68KG,現在我已經是57.5的體重了哦!現在的我已經是而且我可以穿上我想穿的衣服啦!讓我找回信心了!太感謝了!
星期三, 十月 12, 2016
如果是你,你选哪一个?Which one you choose? || VIP&7Focus
星期三, 十月 12, 2016
7 focus,
black pills,
Black VIP,
over hydrate,
over weight,
Sleep and slim,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
星期五, 九月 30, 2016
革命性瘦身突破, 真正减肥王牌。 A revolutionary breakthrough, Real king of lose body weight || VIP BI OMANGOSTEEM COMPLEX
A revolutionary breakthrough,
Real king of lose body weight
立即下单Order now: 0162208564
游览Visit us @ https://goo.gl/i9eoPZ
星期四, 九月 22, 2016
星期四, 九月 22, 2016
Black VIP,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
星期一, 八月 22, 2016
Without Workout, Without Fasting, Without Diet & Without Side Effect 无需运动!无需节食!无需代餐 || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证162:
VIP见证感言:相信很多人都和我一样,喜欢吃吃喝喝,懒惰运动,尤其是在佳节期间,体重更是有增没减,自从我认识了了VIP,我找回了自信心,衣橱里雪藏多年的衣服。都可以穿上了,现在很多人都说我瘦了。 看起来年轻也健康了许多。谢谢你的出现,让爱吃的我在两个月就能够瘦下来了,重点是无需运动!无需节食!无需代餐谢谢你。
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial 162:
VIP Customer: I believe many people same as me, like to eat eat, drink drink drink, but lazy to workout. Especially during holiday season, my weight keep increasing. After i know this VIP, i find back my confidence, Dress and cloth in my closet already in there for while, and now i able to wear. Friend said i become slimmer. The most amazing, i look younger and healthier. Graceful that i able to meet this great product, VIP help me such a great eater become slim within 2 months, the most important without sport, without workout, without fasting, without diet and without side effect o(≧v≦)o, thank you very much.
星期一, 七月 25, 2016
Fat problem after give birth? 产后肥胖问题? || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证 Testimonial 142
星期一, 七月 25, 2016
7 focus,
Black VIP,
getting slim,
Lemon Tea Favor,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
Zero Plus,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex见证142:
VIP见证感言: 刚生完孩子不久的我,对自己的身材是多么的没有自信,很担心自己会成为黄脸婆,也试过好几种瘦身产品,但都没有效。自从遇到了VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,它让我的自信心回来啦。让我的体重在短时间内从53kg下滑到48kg. 真的太强了
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial 142:
星期三, 七月 06, 2016
Wising all Muslim around the world - Selamat Hari Raya, Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin || 祝马来同胞们节日快乐。
星期三, 七月 06, 2016
7 focus,
Black VIP,
Lemon Tea Favor,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
Zero Plus,
Wising all Muslim around the world - Selamat Hari Raya, Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin
星期三, 六月 29, 2016
吃了5年减肥,第一次一个月瘦15公斤!Try Slimming product for five year, Finally able to lose 15kg within a month! || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Customer Testimonial 见证127
星期三, 六月 29, 2016
Black VIP,
getting slim,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex见证127:
见证感言: 我承认我是个很懒的人,我很少会去做运动的,我从5年前开始试瘦身产品,最记得第一样,我吃了,生了很多痣仓,然后停了,我试了其他的,就在2年前,有一种很有效,但很慢,我吃了2年才下到110,而且我不吃了,很快就反弹了,所以我很担心其他的也会是酱,我是没关系,我是標准的要瘦不要命的人,但我是不会介绍给人的,我不想害人,直到我遇到了VIP,虽然他比我之前的瘦身产品来的贵,但是效果证明一切,有什么产品会让我在一个月里瘦了15kg++,我相信应该只有vip了,我只要再坚持3个月,我相信一定会下到我想要的身材的,加油,我会介绍给身边的人的!
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Customer Testimonial 127:
Customer mention: I admit i'm lazy, not that sporty or outing to do sport; i remember start 5 years ago i already start taking slimming products. And i remember i tried a product that have side effect and which caused me to have Hemorrhoids, since that i have stopped to take any slimming product. 2 year ago i also has tried others products it work, but very slow, take me 2 year only reduce my weight to 110kg, then i stopped again, and i become event worse. So i worried others products also have this kind of side effect. I know myself, i want slim more than my health, i don't really care about the consequence, as long as i can became slim, and i don't introduce to friend or scare that will harm my friend.
Then i met this VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex,compare to the product i took last times is slightly a bit expensive, but it really worthy. The result has proof everything. I lose 15kg++ of weight with in a month, is a month! I think only VIP able to do this. I going to hold it for 3 months and i believe that i woult have my dream body shape back. Lasty, going to introduce this great VIP to all the friends and family around me.
星期二, 五月 17, 2016
Believe Me, i'm Mother | 相信我,我是个妈妈 || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
星期二, 五月 17, 2016
Clean 5,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
见证感言: 自从怀孕生下宝宝以来,体型是雷打不动的维持不变。我感觉自己变丑了很多。总之非常不自信,感觉穿什么都不好看。
果然VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 还真是不错,短短的两个月,让我瘦下16KG!!!! 一些好久没见的朋友都不相信我已经是孩子的妈,现在我的身材恢复到婚前的时候,感觉自己又年轻了,谢谢VIP 带给我 自信!
VIP Testimonial 94:
Customer said: After give birth, my heavy weight not going down all. I found that i become more ugly, less confident and looks so ugly no matter what i wear.
Then i have meet a greate oppurtunity to meet this VIP online, it more concentrate on slimming. So i decided to make a move and ask the seller about it, then i make my order.
REALLY! VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex really is a great product i ever met, with in 2 months, i lose 16kg of weight! Increadible. Friends that have not met for long time ago also does not believe that i already have my child. And now, my body shape was like the time i not yet marry, slim and sexy! Feel young, feel confident and thank very much to VIP.
1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

Clean 5 (14包/盒)
1Box - RM120
2Box - RM220
4Box - RM420
6Box - RM600
12Box - RM1200 (Free 1Box )
2Box - RM220
4Box - RM420
6Box - RM600
12Box - RM1200 (Free 1Box )
吃货的瘦身配套 Eater Slimming Pack
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex & Clean 5 = RM280 (SaveRM 20)
3x VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + 2x Clean 5 =RM630 (Save RM 150/-)
3x VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + 6x Clean5 =RM970 (Save RM 290/-)
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex & Clean 5 = RM280 (Save
3x VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + 2x Clean 5 =RM630 (
3x VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + 6x Clean5 =RM970 (
星期三, 四月 27, 2016
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial 见证 83
星期三, 四月 27, 2016
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
VIP 见证83:
见证感言: 感恩我遇到 VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex。一直以来贪吃的我不能受美食的诱惑,自从开始吃VIP后我的食欲控制了,身型也小了一圈还把最难看的肚腩和手臂也减小了许多
VIP Testimonial 83:
customer review said: Glad that i meet VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. I was temptation by the good food, i can't even control what i eat. So i decide to give VIP a try. My body shape very obvious lose 1 round. My tummy and giant arm was smaller and now i look more like a girl. My friends and family members all praise me already become slim, but i haven't meet my body weight target, i will continue to take this great products.
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见证感言: 感恩我遇到 VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex。一直以来贪吃的我不能受美食的诱惑,自从开始吃VIP后我的食欲控制了,身型也小了一圈还把最难看的肚腩和手臂也减小了许多
VIP Testimonial 83:
customer review said: Glad that i meet VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. I was temptation by the good food, i can't even control what i eat. So i decide to give VIP a try. My body shape very obvious lose 1 round. My tummy and giant arm was smaller and now i look more like a girl. My friends and family members all praise me already become slim, but i haven't meet my body weight target, i will continue to take this great products.
星期三, 四月 20, 2016
瘦1-2kg是假的,瘦10kg才是真的好产品 | Call it great product only if you able to lose 10kg of weight || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
星期三, 四月 20, 2016
7 focus,
beautiful leg,
Seven Focus,
Sleep and slim,
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex
见证感言: 生了2个孩子的我,每次怀孕体重总是会升到72kg-75kg,整整重了20多kg.
VIP Customer Testimonial:
Customer: I'm 2 child's mother. Every time during pregnancy, my weight gain from 72kg to 75kg, total 20kg!
After i give birth, i still having 64/65kg. I feel i am ugly, fat, disgusting. I believe my husband feel the same way. As an agent selling product online, i barely not dare to came out and meet my customer, is a shame.
The day have come, company said will give people to test the new product. I tried VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. First month i follow the instruction that give by company. Surprisingly my weight lose 6kg! I am so happy about it. 2nd month, i able to lose another 4kg. Total of 10kilos! 10kg! The most miracle is, i not have to gave my 3 main meal cause. i can eat as normal, and i still able to lose 10kg, that the power of the product.
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