星期三, 九月 06, 2017

The 6 best cosmetic ingredients for skin whitening || 對於美白肌膚的6個最佳成分

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There are few things certain at this world and one of them is that everyone has a pigmentation disorder to a certain extent.

來, 不妨自己查看和對比一下自己膚色是不是否是完全一致和均勻的?還是您會發覺有可能更暗或更淺的點。
Go on, check your skin and see whether it is absolutely uniform or you have any darker or lighter spots.

我们的皮肤(不管是脸还是身体),眼睛和头发的颜色是都含有一种叫黑色素( melanin)的色素。 一些皮膚部位可能會產生太多的這種黑色素的顏料,而導致色素沉淀過多(hyper-pigmentation),有些皮膚部分则會產生和沉淀較少的黑色素, 引起色素減退(hypo-pigmentation)。
Colour of skin, eyes and hair is due to a pigment called melanin. Some skin parts might produce too much of this pigment, causing hyper-pigmentation, while some others might produce less, causing hypo-pigmentation.

 Hyper-pigmentation include:
  1. 老化的斑點和长期面对陽光的照射/暴晒
    Age spots due to ageing and sun exposure
  2. 女性在怀孕期间所造成荷尔蒙失调里的黄褐斑或长期服用药物,比如避孕药而引起的尸失调。
    Melsasma caused by hormone imbalance, can appear during pregnancy or because of medicines as birth control pills
  3. 胎记或雀斑的形成属于取决于基因的遗传 Birthmarks and freckles depend on genetics
  4. 由于发炎症过程比如痤疮或皮炎所留下的沉淀色素起而转化成红斑或黑斑。 比如像一个疙瘩/青春痘所留下的红点(不同于疮疤)。
    Post inflammatory pigmentation are red or dark spots due to an inflammation process such as in acne or dermatitis. For instance like the red spot left after a pimple (different from acne scars)
  5. 另一个 引起色素減退是白癜风(vitiligo) , 是一个自身的免疫系统的反应,它会破坏产生黑色素的黑色素细胞,这导致浅色皮肤的皮肤块。
    An example of hypo-pigmentation is vitiligo, an auto-immune response where the immune systems destroys melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. This results in lighter skin patches.

色素沉淀過多状态是持续性的, 所以我们每天需要做护肤保养, 比如搽防晒做为保护。
Hyper-pigmentation is a continuous process and needs daily treatment, thus always use sun protection!

For skin whitening and skin lightening look for cosmetics containing one or more of these 6 ingredients:

曲酸。 这是一种已被验证出来可以帮助抑制黑色素生成和抗黑色素沉淀的一种成分。要留意, 不能购买被包装在罐子里(jars)含有曲酸的化妆品, 需确保产品是包装在真空密封的容器中,因为这成分的对空气和光是极为敏感, 一旦接触到就会马上失去其功效。为了避免这种成分的不稳定性,某些化妆品/保养品公司可能会使用曲酸二棕榈酸酯(kojic dipalmitate),然而其功效没有任何证据显示它的有效度。
Kojic acid. This ingredients has been shown by some research to be effective against hyper-pigmentation by inhibiting melanin production. Never buy a cosmetic that contains kojic acid if packed in jars. Make sure the product is packed in airless and airtight containers as this ingredients is very air and light sensitive and it would immediately degrade and lose its efficacy. To avoid the instability of this ingredient cosmetic companies might use kojic dipalmitate, however there is no evidence of its efficacy

维生素C(又稱L-抗壞血酸)是一种有效的抗氧化剂,它以已经被证明是有益于皮肤亮白, 美白功效。对于成分因空气和光是非常不稳定的, 美容产品公司会使用其他比较稳定性的维生素C。
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a potent anti-oxidant and has been proven to be beneficial to skin lightening. As this ingredient is unstable to air and light, cosmetic companies use other stable forms of Vitamin C. Look for one of this names in the list of ingredients: ascorbyl palmitate, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, retinyl ascorbate, tetrahexyldecylascorbate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate.
Hydroquinone is a controversial ingredient. It is banned from cosmetics in the European Union because it might be responsible for skin sesitization and it might be a potential carcinogen. In US it can be applied topically and OTC drugs are allowed a concentration not exceeding 2%. A maximum concentration of 4% can be prescribed by a physician.

Azaleic acid is considered safer compared to hydroquinone, however its efficacy is equal to the latter only at a concentration of 20%, which requires a medical prescription. OTC drugs are allowed maximum 1% concentration

Arbutin is a natural source of hydroquinone. Arbutin can be extracted from the the leaves of bearberry, cranberry, mulberry or blueberry and can be found in many types of pears. Arbutin is considered a safe ingredient and some studies have shown its benefits for skin lightening
Niacinamide was shown to have not only pigmentation benefits but it can reduce post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation, acne and fine wrinkles.

Exfoliants such as Alfa and Beta hydroxy acids have no direct effect on melanin inhibition, however they are often used in conjunction with the ingredients above because they promote cell turnover,  meaning they promote the replacement of old damaged cells with new healthy cell.

What are your tips on skin lightening?
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