VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证第298:
VIP 顾客感言: 第一次尝试VIP瘦了将近5公斤,只服用了一罐的效果很多衣服明显变松,没有经常见面的朋友都说我瘦了。谢谢VIP!
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial No. 298:
![Who said lose weight only for femeal? 谁说减肥只是给女人? VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - 吃到您显瘦为止](
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 见证第299:
VIP 顾客感言: 之前看老婆吃了 VIP瘦了有点不太相信,所以就偷偷拿了老婆的一罐vip来吃,没想到就这么瘦了下来,谁说男生不能减肥!
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial No. 299:
VIP Customer said: Last time i really did not believe my eye when i saw my wife get slimmer; So i also steal one bottle of VIP from my wife and try my own, incredibly i also lose on weight too, now who said man can't loss weight?
VIP见证1:见证说生了孩子之后,一直都很难瘦下来,每次看到美美的衣服也穿不下, 可是这次没想到竟然可以在22天里面瘦了8.4kg。。 现在开始找以前不能穿的衣裤来穿。。太开心了。。。。
VIP见证2:见证感言: 以前肥胖的我都不爱拍照没有自信总是觉得自己又丑又胖. 也总是埋怨为什么自己会那么胖. 现在服用了VIP,2个星期!我瘦了好开心. 自信心也回来了. 所以说世上没有丑女人只有懒女人. 没有哪个女人会喜欢自己变胖! VIP,真的太棒了!!!
VIP见证3:见证说: 服用"VIP"过后,不会感觉饿,我之前都是吃大碗饭,现在只是需要吃2口饭就感觉饱了,夜宵也没有吃了,胃口小了!!
V.I.P. 见证4:见证说:对于美食我的抗拒能力真的很低,自从我服用VIP后,我的瘦身计划就进行的更加顺利,因为VIP控制食欲的功效真的太棒了,就算月经时没有服用,我也不会大吃大喝,所以我的胃口越来越小了。真的大爱VIP!!!
V.I.P 见证5:见证感言:瘦了之后感觉人也比较没有那么笨重,走起路也
VIP见证 09:
这效果真的令人太兴奋了,我掉的是公斤,提升的是自信! XL to S 的心情也只有你成功瘦下才会了解! VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 太棒了! 加入我们一起瘦身吧!
VIP Testimonial 09:
This is so excited, i'm losing weight, and increasing my self confident! My size dropped from XL to S! This feel is so good and only who have lose weight can feel it. VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex such a great product. Join us to become slim now.
见证感言: 刚刚吃完1个月VIP,让我意想不到的是大腿,手臂,身腰都变细了,这种兴奋感觉无法用语言来形容,一下子变漂亮,自信也来了,出门不烦没有衣服穿啦,谢谢VIP。
Testimonial 40 | Customer Feedback:
Just finish VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex a month ago. I can't imagine that my big and fat thighs, arm and waist was so slim now. The happiness it bring are not able to explain by words. Life change - become more pretty now and i found my confident back. Cloths in wardrobe no longer lonely.
VIP 见证37:
见证感言: 一直以来,我都是高高瘦瘦的,身高178cm的我,体重都维持在58kg左右。去年跑去了纽西兰回来后,才惊觉自己胖了很多,足足14kg,从来都没有如此胖过,朋友都以为我怀孕了,这种感觉真的很难受。以前让人羡慕的平坦小腹不见了,镜子里看到的自己肚腩大,腿很粗,体重上升到72kg,很恐怖的数字以前曾经参加选美比赛的我,自信心完全被身上的肥肉脂肪击溃,原来肥胖真的很恐怖!!
VIP Testimonial 37 | Customer Feedback:
I was been tall and slim most of the time, 178cm and 58kg. But last year, after back from New Zealand, i almost went crazy, my weight increase 14kg! I never being so fat before this. My friends all thought i was pregnant! I feeling horible! My Sexy body gone, fat belly, i lost confident in myself, my career was depend on it. But After my friend introduced VIP Bio Mangosteen to me, i glad that i tried! and i lose 10kg! And the most incredible is, i totally did not work out! I feel like i found myself again, thanks to VIP.
见证 58:
见证感言: 来自东马的妈咪本身体质属于超热气的说不管服用任何瘦身产品的牌子都会感觉到不适应....直到遇到一直合作的伙伴推出了新的VIP 拿了罐sample 给我吃!在还没服用前体重是80kg 因为属于体质比较热所以就一开始一天一粒而已!过程觉得很耐饱几乎每一餐服用的量都是普通的一半而已。不知不觉的就开始慢慢的瘦下!出去身边的人都说体型下了好多💪🏻💪🏻看到对比照瘦下好多就很兴奋的说了再接再厉瘦到18岁的身材.
VIP Testimonial 58:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex's customer said: I from east Malaysia. My body's alway feeling hot and no matter using which slimming product I also will feel uncomfortable. Until recently, my co-partner introducing a new slimming product called VIP, I took one bottle of sample and decided to give a try. Before I consume VIP, my weight is 80kg. Due to my body's condition, I being advise to take only 1 pills per day. This VIP is really do well in controlling appetite, almost all my meal's portion was cut into half. With out notice, I get slimmer!! Before I know it, my friend and people around me saying that my body shape was thinner than before. Then I took my before and after photo out and make a comparison, so exicted because it really very obvious that I have shape slimmer. I will continue to fight my body become thin as teenage 18 year old, good luck to myself.
见证感言: 从小就是个小胖妞!到20岁的时候已经高峰去到90KG !用过减肥产品无效很没有信心,之前非常担心我们产品效果,但是减肥意向非常强烈,最终决定迈出了一步。在服用了第五天的VIP 给我们带来好消息瘦了3KG !不到一个月时间已经把3个L 的衣服换到XL ,肚子和背后肉肉有明显瘦下来的效果,肥胖不可怕,可怕的是你想瘦下来,但是你永远都不愿意相信别人!!
VIP Testimonial 63:
Customer feedback: I was fat since childhood. When i aged 20 years, my weight also reached to the max 90kg. Tried for so many diet product but none of them was working for me. I still have strong faith in my that one day i will become slimmer. So i decided to give a try on VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. Amazingly i was really surprise i my weight lose 3kg within 5 days. Continue to consume this amazing product for 1 month, i have to change all my cloth and paid from XL size to L size. The most obvious result was my tummy and my back. Seriously, Fat doesn't kill you, what make it worse
is you never ask for help from the correct consultancy.
VIP Testimonial 63:
Customer feedback: I was fat since childhood. When i aged 20 years, my weight also reached to the max 90kg. Tried for so many diet product but none of them was working for me. I still have strong faith in my that one day i will become slimmer. So i decided to give a try on VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. Amazingly i was really surprise i my weight lose 3kg within 5 days. Continue to consume this amazing product for 1 month, i have to change all my cloth and paid from XL size to L size. The most obvious result was my tummy and my back. Seriously, Fat doesn't kill you, what make it worse
is you never ask for help from the correct consultancy.
VIP 见证64:
见证感言: 一直以来我都有努力减肥,可是效果却好像不大,不懂是方法不对,还是其它原因,所以身材还是依然肥胖。 直到我朋友给我介绍了VIP Bio Mangoesteen Complex,我跟着她的指示去做,果然,一直顽强跟着我的脂肪终于被赶走了! VIP 不仅帮我成功减肥,成功地瘦了下来,而且它还能帮助我控制食欲,不再像以前那样无节制地吃喝。 可以在服装店里大喊说我是穿M size的,那种感觉真的很好!感谢VIP让我成功的瘦了下来!
VIP Cusotmer testimonial 64:
Customer response: For very long time, keep trying others method, and do so much of hardwork on getting slim, but seem like it always turn me down and fail. My friend introducing new VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, also the instructions. Finally I get rid of my fat. VIP not only work on diet, but also help me get slimmer. It also help on controlling appetite, really not like before this I was losing control on eating, every time eating like a monster. When shopping my new cloth I can said to promoter that I want M size's dress. This is feeling awesome. Thank VIP brighten me up to become the person I want to.
见证感言: 其实我很感谢逼我吃这个产品的人,没有她我就瘦不下来了。以前的我每天被人胖妹胖妹的叫,叫到我自己都很自卑。于是我开始偷偷买了很多减肥产品来服用,吃的喝的涂的都试过了结果还是没减到重身体也没瘦到。节食结果胃痛,运动又气喘没毅力。自己都放弃自己了。心想着就算了就这样吧让天注定吧。当我的Aunty拿着这一罐黑色的VIP给我逼我每天都要吃的时候,我是抱着敷衍她的心态试试看的。结果事实证明她是对的。成功让我体重从86kg下到70kg。站在秤上看到那跳起的数目的时候我开心到一直在狂跳傻笑。真的很感谢我的Aunty也感谢VIP的公司出产了那么棒的产品!现在的我已经有信心我还会再瘦下去的!
VIP Testimonial 68:
Customer Feedback: I wanna thank to the person who force me to try this VIP, if not i think i STILL FAT. Before this, i always being called by others "fat lady", "fat girl"; i feel so bad about it. And i had tried many other slimming product that did not work, slimming cream, slimming drink, diet food and so on. I also have fasting till i got an gastric; do sport, i feel so lazy. And i already give up on trying. Until one day, my aunty give me and black color bottle - VIP and force me to take it everyday. She prove that this pills is really working. My weight drop from 86 to 70 kg. I so happy during the time i measure my own weight. Thank you very much to the Aunty and also VIP's company who have invent a so great product. I feel much more confident now and i believe that i able to become more slimmer than now.
见证感言: vip让我在两天里体重掉了1kg,而且出国吃大餐都没有让我变胖~吃/喝无数牌子的产品都没有vip有效...两个月里体脂肪也从35.6掉至29.4~真心觉得吃過那麼多種产品還是這個厲害...来自台湾的我...
VIP Testimonial.
Customer said: 2 day, my weight lose 1kg. I was in oversea eating something heavy and i totally did not gain any fat. Tried many many product, non of it have so much effective like VIP. My inner body fat also dropped from 35.6 to 29.40. I from Taiwan, appreciated so much for the best product i ever tried.
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VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价
1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500
1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500