星期五, 二月 19, 2016

The History Of Slimming | 瘦身的历史回顾

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Fad diets come and go, but the idea of dieting itself has been around for centuries. From President Taft to Victoria Beckham, and the Grapefruit Diet to VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, here's a look at some of the most famous (and infamous) moments in dieting history.

时尚瘦身来来去去,但瘦身这种的想法已经存在好几个世纪了。从塔夫脱维多利亚·贝克汉姆总统和葡萄柚瘦身到至今最新的VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex;下面我们就来看看一些在瘦身历史上最著名的(和臭名昭著的)时刻。

Lord Byron popularizes the Vinegar and Water Diet, which entails drinking water mixed with apple cider vinegar.


1903 William Howard

President William Howard Taft pledges to slim down after getting stuck in the White House bathtub.


1925 - appetite suppressing

The Lucky Strike cigarette brand launches the "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet" campaign, capitalizing on nicotine's appetite-suppressing superpowers.


- Coming Next 接下来 | Year 年份 《1930》 -