
星期四, 四月 09, 2015

《Oh!Secret | LUMINOUS》 女人的秘密宝盒 Q&A 为您解答所有的的疑难杂症

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女人可以不打扮,但是不能不保养〜 Oh! Secret|LUMINOUS 可以是你的选择,方便携带出门又方便食用。晚上睡前打开一小包,倒在舌头底下含着就可以了〜  可以试试看哦!

《Oh!Secret LUMINOUS》女人的秘密宝盒 Q&A

1. Oh! Secret LUMINOUS 的价钱是多少? 
1盒 RM145
2盒 RM260
4盒 RM500
6盒 RM680
  How much for Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
1box RM145
2boxes RM260
4boxes RM500
6boxes RM680
inclusive postal fee for Malaysia

2. Oh! Secret LUMINOUS 是否每个人可以服用?
Oh! Secret LUMINOUS able to be consume for everyone? 
  ONLY FEMALE aged more than 16 years old are suitable to consume the products; Except pregnancy women and mother under Breastfeeding; also advised female that taking any medicine are restricted to purchase this products; if you do want to take oh! secret please make sure you have advise from doctors.

3. 服用Oh! Secret LUMINOUS多久才能有显著的效果?
    产品效果因个人体质⽽而异。我们在全国各地让100位女士尝试过产品长达7天,實驗證明效果非常显著,在28天后更加好。專家認為,服用產品至少三個月以上可以讓女性真正體驗Oh! Secret的神奇效果,讓女性問題不再是問題!
How long it would take to see the result of Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
Due to every condition of the person are unpredictable, the result will be very depen on the particular person. We have giving 100s person of female taking Oh! Secret LUMINOUS, and the result can be seeing within 7 days, and the lab test result shown that, continously taking it for 28 days you will see even more amazing result.

4. 幾時服用Oh! Secret LUMINOUS是最為適合的呢?
    要想改善女性問題的女士們隨時都能夠服用此產品。我們的建議是每晚臨睡前服用Oh! Secret LUMINOUS,而且每天一至兩小包不間斷的服⽤用它以達到最好的效果。
When is the best time to take Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
To resolve women’s issue/problem, Oh! Secret LUMINOUS can be take on any time. But strongly recommended to take at night before bed time. Continuously take 1-2 small pack for the greatest result.

5. 如何服用Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
How to take Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
Directly swallow 1-2 pack from mouth and take some water if necessary before bed time.

6. Oh! Secret LUMINOUS可以被長期服用嗎?
研究顯示,Oh! Secret LUMINOUS 是現代女性不可或缺的食物類保健品之一。因為它是採用100%天然材料配製而成的,所以女士們可以放心每天服用。
Can Oh! Secret LUMINOUS for a long term being consume? 
  Studies have shown, Oh! Secret LUMINOUS is one of the modern woman an indispensable food health products. Because the ingredients  are 100% natural materials preparation, so the ladies assured that it can be  taking on a daily basic.

7. 更年期是否可以服用 Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
Can women who having Menopause able to take Oh! Secret LUMINOUS?
Yes, it can help relieve for ladies who suffering from menopausal. Thus taking Oh! Secret during menopause can be very benefiting at anti-aging, and even start again menstruation or menopause status can be delayed.

8. 一个疗程是多少盒呢?
How many boxes do we need for a course?
In conditioning to calculate two small pack per day, we recommended that three-month course for a  treatment.

9. 请问经期间可以服用吗?
Will be able to take it through the (Menstruation)period?
Not recommeded to take during Menstruation, but can straight away start when Menstruation is over.

10. 糖尿病/血压高患者可以服用吗?
可以服用。我们Oh Secret 的成份全天然的! 可以安心服用!
Diabetes / high blood pressure patient able to take? 
Yes, they can take as our Oh! Secret are make from 100% natural ingredient, are safely to be consume.

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星期三, 四月 08, 2015

保养知识: 教你如何用对的方法洗脸 (手指派)

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1. 双手洗干净后, 取直径1cm用量的洁颜产品於掌心, 若用洁颜皂要先以水沾湿。

2. 加水与掌心中, 用指腹轻轻搓揉起泡, 若泡沫不够多,再加点水,多搓揉几次。 

3. 用指腹又两颊开始滑动泡沫,並以螺旋画圆清洗全脸, 约30秒后用温水冲净。 

4. 容易出油或饱受黑头白头粉刺困扰, 可以把搓揉起泡的泡沫, 先敷於T字区域。

5. 静敷5~10秒后, 用指腹螺旋状轻轻按摩,加强粉刺代谢, 接着用温水清洗全脸。

6. 若想让毛孔细致, 在温水冲净之后, 再用微凉的水泼脸20下,有助紧致毛孔。 

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