星期二, 五月 17, 2016

3 days Tummy Flat! 三天肚子扁掉 || Zero+ Testimonial顾客好评 04

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3 days Tummy Flat! 三天肚子扁掉 || Zero+ Testimonial顾客好评 04

Zero+ 顾客好评 04:
顾客: 有哦,才喝三天肚子整个扁掉了。而且便秘问题也改善了叻。
卖家: 肚子扁了?有没有拍照给我?Zero Plus的味道你喜欢吗??
顾客:忘了拍照,但是味道好喝到~酸酸甜甜的~有Ice Lemon Tea饮料的感觉。本来你说一天一包的,我都偷偷自己加到两包。
顾客: 对对... 真的完全没有粘稠稠的

Zero+ Testimonial 04:
Customer: Got. Just drink for 3 days, my tummy become flat already. And constipation problem resolved.(Love)
Seller: (omg) tummy become flat, didn't take photo for me? How is Zero Plus taste? Like it?
Customer: Forgot to take photo(sweat). Taste is really great, sour and sweet. Got taste like ice lemon tea drink. You suggested daily 1 small pack but i have taken 2 pack.
Seller: Haha, many customers same like you, daily taken 2 pack. Got feel like sticky?
Customer: Nope, totally not sticky at all.

ZERO+ 排毒王 | Complete Details 完整资料