星期二, 五月 17, 2016

Believe Me, i'm Mother | 相信我,我是个妈妈 || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex

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Believe Me, i'm Mother | 相信我,我是个妈妈

见证感言: 自从怀孕生下宝宝以来,体型是雷打不动的维持不变。我感觉自己变丑了很多。总之非常不自信,感觉穿什么都不好看。


果然VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 还真是不错,短短的两个月,让我瘦下16KG!!!! 一些好久没见的朋友都不相信我已经是孩子的妈,现在我的身材恢复到婚前的时候,感觉自己又年轻了,谢谢VIP 带给我 自信!

VIP Testimonial 94:
Customer said: After give birth, my heavy weight not going down all. I found that i become more ugly, less confident and looks so ugly no matter what i wear.

Then i have meet a greate oppurtunity to meet this VIP online, it more concentrate on slimming. So i decided to make a move and ask the seller about it, then i make my order.

REALLY! VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex really is a great product i ever met, with in 2 months, i lose 16kg of weight! Increadible. Friends that have not met for long time ago also does not believe that i already have my child. And now, my body shape was like the time i not yet marry, slim and sexy! Feel young, feel confident and thank very much to VIP.

Believe Me, i'm Mother | 相信我,我是个妈妈

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价(60capsule)

1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

Clean 5 - Customers Reviews
Clean 5 - Complete Description

Clean 5 (14包/盒) 

1Box  - RM120 
2Box  - RM220 
4Box  - RM420 
6Box  - RM600 
12Box  - RM1200 (Free 1Box )

吃货的瘦身配套 Eater Slimming Pack 

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex & Clean 5 = RM280 (Save RM 20

3x VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + 2x Clean 5 =RM630 (Save RM 150/-)

3x VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex + 6x Clean5 =RM970 (Save RM 290/-)