星期一, 九月 19, 2016

7 Focus || 大象腿瘦了!超赞超有效!Elephant Leg gone! Great Product, Amazing Effect!

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7F 代理:嗨,请问上次向我购买的7Focus服用得如何了?
7F 顾客: 效果不错耶, 我的大象腿都瘦了几cm哦!服用了一盒,腿瘦了那么多,继续服用下去,过不久就有细长的美腿了咯?(偷笑)
7F 代理:是的哦!要坚持服用!(加油)

7F Agent: Hello, how are you after comsume 7 focus that you has purchased with me?
7F Customer: Effect really amazing, my elaphant leg became slimmer few cm! I just take 1 box, if i continue taking it, i think will have my sexy and long leg soon.
7F Agent: Definately, must keep on taking it!