星期一, 三月 28, 2016

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - Testimonial | 又来见证咯

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VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - testimonial

见证61: 见证感言: 在外奔波一年,餐餐不定时,不知不觉肥起来,跟朋友见面的时候 听到的都是怎麼越來越發福了,也被家人嫌肥,明明才20歲不到,卻被讲像阿姨这样  。。。为了摆脱“阿姨”这两个形容词,决定使用VIP 产品 。2个星期时间瘦了,多余的肉肉都不见了 !! 变成18/19岁小妹妹的身份!感动 !因为VIP  才能让我拥有享瘦的滋味 。
Customer's testimonial:

Being busy running around at outside, meal always not take in time , suddenly become so fat. When gathering with my friends and family, always ask me why recently become so fat? Became fat really terrible, my age only 20 year old, but called aunty by others. To solve all this, I decide to give a try on VIP Bio Mangosteen complex. Surprisingly, I get slim within 2 week time. My fat chubby body gone. Now I look younger like teenage 18-19year old. Thank to VIP I get my slim body back. 

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - testimonial 60
见证感言: 我是2012年8月生了双胞胎后,错过了前6个月的瘦身黄金时机,试了很多种瘦身的产品,吃的,喝的,涂的,贴的都没有效果,重点是没有人指导我应该怎么吃才有效果,直到遇到vip,你们的教导,才让我看到我真的能瘦回下来
Testimonial No.60:
Customer feedback: I have a twin baby on 2012 August, and I missing the golden timing to get slim within the first 6 month. Then I had tried a lot of slimming product, drinks, pills, slimming cream, paste and not a single products is working for me. Also the point is no tutor guide how to use the product to get myself slim down. Lastly I met my slimming mentor, who introduce and guide me how to use VIP Bio Mangosteen complex, and finally I get my slim body back.

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

clean 5 customer reviews

clean 5 products descriptions
Clean 5 (14包/盒)  
1Box  - RM120 
2Box  - RM220 
4Box  - RM420 
6Box  - RM600 
12Box  - RM1200 (Free 1Box )

1+1 配套节省更多

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Clean 5 RM 280/- 
(原价:180 + 120 = RM 300/-)