星期三, 三月 22, 2017

Lose 8kg with in 1 month with 7 Focus || 一个月瘦下8kg, 只有 7Focus 做到

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一个月瘦下8kg, 只有 7Focus 做到

7 Focus 顾客:店主你好,我必须给个好评,7Focus 瘦腿效果绝对不是盖的
7 Focus 卖家:肯定是受了不少吧!哈哈。
7 Focus 顾客:对啊!我吃了差不多一个月这样我瘦了8kg, 我的腿也明显的被我的男朋友看得出来细了很多。
7 Focus 卖家:Wow!瘦了那么多! 现在有货哦,买多会有扣 XD
7 Focus 顾客:说说看,可以的话~ 我可以叫我的姐妹买,哈哈哈, 跟他们一起瘦下来。

7Focus Customer: Hello shop ower, i must give a good review for 7 focus, this product is so great on losing leg's size.
7Focus Dealer: You must be slimmer a lot, haha.
7Focus Customer: Really! Within one month only, i had lose 8kg of body weight. My leg really slimmer a lot, even my boyfriend also notice it.
7Focus Dealer: Wow!Slim so much of weight! We go ready stocks now, buy more to save more.
7Focus Customer: Come told me, if possible~ i wish to introduce to my sista, hahaha, hope can slim together with them.