星期二, 三月 07, 2017

One month loss 11kg, From 80kg to 69kg 一个月时间, 从原本的80kg ,掉到现在的69kg || VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex #274

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VIP见证 274:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex见证感言:以前的我不敢照镜子,因为我很肥,看到镜子,我就会很自卑,可是现在不同了,我现在虽然还是算肥婆,可是我不会再像以前那样了,自卑了,现在人瘦了一点,自信开始也回来了

从原本的80kg ,掉到现在的69kg!!开心到睡不着,没想到短时间内减掉11kg.


VIP Testimonial 274:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex customer feedback: Not really dare to face myself in front of miror, because i'm fat, i'll inferiority. Now is difference, although i still a bit fat, but i not like previous, i more confident now.

My body weight was from 80kg dropped to 69kg!! Super happy until i can't sleep; can't imagine i can lose so much weight on short of prior.

Now easy to find cloth and dress that i wanted to wear, not like last time, no matter how i wear also look ugly. Thank to VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex.

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex (60 capsule)

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