星期四, 十月 11, 2018

1. Burn Fat - 21's ONE [强效瘦身配套 - 1号] || Complete Descriptions 完整解说

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0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]  - Box


21's - ONE was founded in South Korea, using the latest natural slimming technology and it is known to be one of the most effective slimming & firming supplements in the world. Combining 3 top technologies, DNA Nano­-Tech, Therma-Lean & Saldo-­S to break, burn, firm & boost our body shape to optimum state. These technology breakthroughs help us kill fats in the targeted areas and also allow our body to get rid of them naturally, thus increasing metabolism.

由大韩民国研究所成功研发的21's ONE纤体圣品,采用世界级 3 大顶尖瘦身科技: DNA Nano­-Tech丶Therma-Lean 与 Saldo­-S 来帮助分解脂肪组织丶燃烧脂肪丶紧致皮肤和针对性地打击顽固脂肪。这三项突破性科技有效地分解囤积体内的顽固脂肪,提升新陈代谢。


12 kinds of active acid bacteria and Coleus Forskohlii can reduce body fat.

1. Coleus forskohlii ingredients effectively break down body fat , increase muscle mass and moisture inside the body, to help you healthy weight.

2. Garcinia cambogia inhibits the conversion of carbohydrate into fat, improves the slimming effect.

3. 12 kinds of lactic acid bacteria strains not only a total of one hundred million to maintain gastrointestinal health at the same time, improve constipation problem occurs when you lose weight.

4. Only 5 calories intake daily, so you need not to worry about the heat. Taking the capsules together with warm water to help reducing body fat.

5. 3 big top slimming DNA science and technology with the world-class DNA Nano-Tech, Therma-Lean and Saldo-S. 采用世界级3大顶尖纤体科技DNA Nano­-Tech丶Therma-Lean和Saldo­-S。

WHY TAKE 21's ONE | 为何选择21's ONE 
Burn Fats & Target slimming 针对性减肥与燃烧脂肪
Firm & Boost skin elasticity 塑身与紧致皮肤
Using 100% Organic ingredients 100%纯天然有机成分
No side effect 无副作用
Suppress appetite 压抑食欲
Reduce water retention 减少水肿
WHY TAKE 21's ONE | 为何选择21's ONE

[1] Coleus Forskohlii (Containing 10% Forskolin) 毛喉鞘蕊花 (含有10%弗斯可林成分):
Coleus Forskohlii stimulates the production of a molecule called cyclic AMP (cAMP). In our body, cyclic AMP helps our cells talk to each other. When an increase or decrease in cAMP is detected, it acts as a signal that causes the body to do something. One of the things that cAMP does is tell our cells to increase in an enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase—which burns fat. cAMP also stimulates the release of thyroid hormone which also helps burn fat and calories. In addition, Coleus Forskohlii contains L-carnitine, a multi-purpose nutritional supplement which has no side effects. It is mainly used to reduce fat, increase endurance and resistance to fatigue, its weight loss results are the best in the market.
毛喉素刺激我们的身体产生一种叫做环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)的分子。在我们的身体,环磷酸腺苷有助於我们体内细胞的沟通。当身体感应到 cAMP 的增加或减少,它将发出信号,让我们的身体开始作出应对的运作。环磷酸腺苷促使我们的细胞增加生产一种能够燃烧脂肪的「激素敏感脂肪酶」。环磷酸腺苷也能够刺激甲状腺激素的生产,有利於燃烧脂肪和卡路里。除此之外,毛喉素含有左旋肉硷。它被视为一种多功能丶无副作用的营养补充品,主要用於减脂丶增强耐力和抗疲劳,它有很有效的减肥效果,是目前市场上最好而又安全的营养素。

[2] Garcinia Cambogia 藤黄果:
Researchers from Europe and America have proven that Frustus Garcinia Cambogia’s HCA can reduce appetite and calorie intake, suppress fats formation, speed up fats burning and exhaust the fats stored in our body. HCA also decomposes and burns the fats so as to provide calories for our body.
欧美学者研究发现,藤黄果中的羟基柠檬酸HCA除了可以降低食欲丶减少热量的摄入和抑制脂肪的合成之外,还可以加速脂肪燃烧,消耗体内储存的脂肪。HCA能够促进肝脏和脂肪细胞内的线粒体进行β - 氧化作用,促使脂肪分解燃烧,供应人体所需要的热量。

[3] 12 Kinds of Lactic Acid Bacteria 12种乳酸菌: Some studies have shown that lactic acid bacteria can lower total and LDL cholesterol. They may also improve immune function and prevent infections. Moreover, they break down food more effectively, thus improving digestibility. They also stimulate peristaltic movement of the intestines to improve regularity. 经过多项研究证明,乳酸菌可以降低总胆固醇和LDL胆固醇。他们还可以提高人体的免疫功能以及防止感染。此外,它们也能有效地分解食物,从而提高肠胃消化系统。他们更能刺激肠子蠕动运动以改善身体机能的规律性。

[4] Fructo-oligosaccharide 低聚果糖 (FOS):
Fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria. The growth of the probiotic group inhibits the scale of harmful bacteria. FOS lowers 15% of hyperlipidemia cholesterol level and 50% of hypertriglyceridemia in order to affect the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, thus reducing lipid and cholesterol. 肠道内的益生菌将低聚果糖视为粮食,是它们的能量丶营养来源。益生菌群的壮大,能有效抑制有害菌群的规模。低聚果糖通过降低餐後15%的胆醇血症和50%的甘油三酯血症来影响胆固醇和甘油三酯的水平,降低血脂和胆固醇。


[1] DNA Nano­-Tech DNA-纳米化科技 Compress ingredient to Nano size for easy absorption. 浓缩成分丶容易吸收。 Combining both DNA technology and nano-technology. Our laboratory in Korea uses nano-technology to compress ingredients into nano fine particles to allow ingredients to penetrate deep within our DNA to allow our body to absorb every single ingredient to maximize effect to its optimum states. 我们的韩国研究所融合了DNA基因科技与纳米化科技,把所有成分压缩成纳米分子好让成分容易渗透体内细胞与DNA, 达到最佳效果。

[2] Therma-Lean 热能消瘦科技 Soften, break & burn fats. 软化丶分解丶燃烧脂肪。 The Therma-Lean technology is a breakthrough in the slimming industry. It softens the fat tissue and then breaks the fat tissue into smaller particles for faster fat burning. ThermaLean allows our body to create a natural self thermogenesis effect to burn fats naturally even when you are not doing exercise. Using natural organic energy boosting ingredient to increase the fat burning effect. 软化丶分解丶燃烧脂肪。热能消瘦科技有效的帮助软化脂肪细胞,分解脂肪组织成更细小分子,让脂肪更迅速的被燃烧。热能消瘦科技能够促进身体燃烧脂肪的功能,让我们即使在没有运动的情况下也能燃烧多馀脂肪。

[3] Saldo­-S 萨尔斗塑身科技 Firming & target fats. 紧致丶针对脂肪部位丶促进新陈代谢。 Saldo in Italian means firming. Saldo­-S technology makes use of cell targeting delivery system to bring the ingredient to target stubborn areas like our tummy, thigh and arms area. Besides reducing fats, Saldo­-S works by firming the elasticity of our skin. It uses Goji Berry's essence to target energy for our daily usage, increasing our metabolism to burn fats even faster. Saldo在意大利文有着紧致的意思。Saldo-S采用标靶输送科技,把成分带入需要被分解的顽固脂肪部位,如:肚腩丶手臂丶臀部等。除了拥有分解脂肪的效果,Saldo-S科技也有助於紧致皮肤。
1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

FAQ | 常问问题 
Q: Who should take 21's ONE? 谁适合服用21's ONE?
21's ONE is suitable for people who finds it hard to loose weight and gain weight very easily. However, women on period and people with any terminal illness is not suitable to take this product. 21's ONE 适合所有需要控制体重或食欲太强的男女性。但是经期或有绝症者不适合服用21's ONE。

Q: Is 21's ONE safe? 21's ONE安全吗?
Yes, 21's ONE is safe for adults above 18 of age because it is using 100% natural organic ingredients and has been clinically proven by 80 Asian men & women aged from 18 to 60. 绝对安全。21's ONE 采用 100% 纯天然成分制成,也经过 80 位年龄介於 18­-60 岁的亚洲男性与女性的严密临床验证。

Q: Can I exercise while I’m on 21's ONE? 服用21's ONE期间可以运动吗?
Yes, a normal exercise routine & proper diet consumption is also advisable. 可以,我们建议健康的饮食与适量的运动有助於更快速的达到理想体重。

Q: Can I take 21's ONE if I am pregnant? 怀孕能服用21's ONE吗?
You should not take 21's ONE if you are pregnant. 我们不建议孕妇服用此产品。

Q: How long can I see the effect of 21's ONE? 要服用多久才能看到效果?
You will be able to see effect after 7 days and significant results after 28 days. 服用7天後就会看到效果,28天後会看到更明显的效果。

Q: How do I slim down quickly? 如何更快的看到效果? It is advisable to drink at least 8­-10 glass of water daily and take detox supplements to fully cleanse your body as you are taking 21's ONE. 服用至少8-10杯水能够促进新陈代谢与增强成分的效果。您也可以服用其他排毒保健品来帮助身体排除毒素。

Q: Is 21's ONE safe for long term consumption? 21's ONE适合长期服用吗? Yes, 21's ONE is made from 100% natural organic ingredient and is suitable for people who wants to be on diet or maintaining the perfect body shape. 适合长期服用无农残之忧,只要有需要减肥或保持身材都可以服用。

Q: Is there any rebound effect with 21's ONE? 21's ONE有反弹效果吗? No, your body shape will remain even after you stop taking 21's ONE. 就算停止服用後,身体也不会突然有反弹效果。

Check others No. 查看其他号码:

0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]