
Product Information & Functions | 产品简介与功效
[1] Carbohydarate Blocker
[2] Fat Burning
[3] Appetite Suppression
[4] High Fibre Diet
[5] Satiety
With thousands of calories stored in their bodies, why are fat people always feel hungry? The more they eat, the more hunger they feel. The problem is, this huge savings of energy called body fat is locked up.
The feeling of fullness is controlled by the hypothalamus. Blood sugar will activate hypothalamus and send fullness signals to our body. At the same time, insulin was secreted to convert sugar into fat in order to balance up our blood sugar. Excessive fat will be stored in the body.
Insulin plays a major role in metabolism – the way the body uses digested food for energy. The digestive tract breaks down carbohydrates (sugars and starches found in many food) into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar that enters the bloodstream. With the help of insulin, our cells absorb glucose and use it for energy.
The most important point is obese people need more insulin to maintain the blood sugar level. Their body cells cannot easily absorb glucose from bloodstream. As a result, the body needs higher level of insulin to help glucose enter cells. The more insulin secreted, the more body fats will be stored in the body. Not only high fat content food will cause fat stored in body, but all types of food will be converted to fat and accumulated in the body. High level of insulin will also reduce the fat metabolism to generate energy.
Nowadays our main carbohydrate sources are processed and refined food such as white rice, white bread, wheat flour and etc. These items contains easily digested carbohydrates that may contribute to weight gain and obesity.
21's FOUR is rich in dietary fiber. This indigestible portion of food is readily fermented in the colon into gases physiologically active byproducts , Short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs, helps to keep the gut wall healthy and sealed. Studies show that SCFAs improves immune system, reduces health risks, helps in weight management and prevent cancer.
[1] 抑制食物中澱粉被分解
[2] 脂肪燃烧
[3] 抑制食欲
[4] 高纤维
[5] 饱腹感
大家都知道,要想减肥不再想吃东西,身体就必须产生饱腹感。而人的饥饿感和饱腹感是由人脑调节控制的。在人的下丘脑中,有控制食欲的神经中枢。葡萄糖是刺激这个中枢的物质。当吃完饭后,血中的葡萄糖增多,饱腹中枢因受到刺激而兴奋,人就产生饱腹感,不想再吃了。同时当血糖升高, 人体会分泌胰岛素来维持血糖正常水平, 把糖转化为脂肪。过剩的脂肪将被贮存在身体。
21's FOUR抑制食物中澱粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延緩食物中葡萄糖的吸收,而此时脂肪开始分解,体重也就减下来了。
21's FOUR 也富含高纤维的成分。膳食纤维(Dietary Fiber,DF)是植物的一部分并不被人体消化的一大类糖类物质,对人体有着显著的健康益处。膳食纤维的特点是小肠酶不能分解利用,具有较低能量值,而且在肠道菌的作用下发酵可产生短链脂肪酸(Shortchain Fatty Acids,SCFAs),促进益生菌等发挥广泛的健康作用。膳食纤维能夠促進肠道健康和增加饱腹感。此外,它同時擁有调节体重、预防脂肪代谢紊乱,以及预防某些癌症等方面的健康功效。
Advanced Technology | 高端技术
After years of researches, improving the bio cutting-edge technology, identifying genes and Bioactive, and reapplying long-held beliefs in new ways, 21's FOUR was developed and formulated to be working on its way to melt away pounds, inches and calories.
21's FOUR combined RA-P450 CHO technology and Rhodystero-3C technology to develop an antagonistic technology, stimulating and maintaining body inter-cellular communication. It will send out the same signals that normally happen when eating a lot of food, so that the body starts the metabolism process with a delay of carbohydrate absorption, balances up the process of energy release and intake, increases of accumulated fat burning and reduction of pre-adipocyte differentiation and lipogenesis.
生物技术一直不断地被改进。在历经多年研究之后,21's FOUR利用基因和生物活性识别度被大大提升的时代,以崭新的方式重新开发和制定瘦身信念,有效地解决缠绕着胖子的种种问题。
21's FOUR 结合 RA-P450 CHO 技术和 Rhodystero-3C 技术,成功制造出一种对抗肥胖的技术。其刺激和维持身体细胞间的关系,建立良好的通讯。除此之外,在这两种技术完美结合的情況下,让身体制造相同于当我们摄取大量食物时会引发的信号,提升新陈代谢的过程、延缓碳水化合物的吸收、平衡能量的释放和摄入过程、增加燃烧囤积的顽固脂肪、减少前脂肪细胞分化、以及减低脂肪的生成。
Main Ingredients & Functions | 主要成分
[1] Green Tea Powder (Camellia Leaf Extract) 绿茶粉
Green Tea is an essential for proper glucose utilization, and resveratrol has been shown to improve insulin signaling to help prevent metabolic dysfunction.
Scientists determined that EGCG found in Green Tea Extract blocks the action of an enzyme called alpha-amylase that normally breaks carbohydrates to simple sugars for digestion.
Researchers have uncovered a host of naturally occurring compounds in Green Tea that slow the release of glucose from carbohydrates after consumption, or help to usher sugar into our cells where it is used for energy metabolism.
绿茶可延缓葡萄糖分解率和改善胰岛素信号,有助于防止代谢紊乱。绿茶中的 EGCG(Epigallocatechin Gallate)是绿茶茶多酚的主要组成成分,具有抑制淀粉分解的功能。绿茶能够帮助控制飙升的血糖水平。α-淀粉酶是负责将体内的淀粉分解成麦芽糖和葡萄糖,而绿茶中的EGCG成分能够抑制这些酶。EGCG是茶叶特有的儿茶素,其量最高,占茶多酚制品的40%~50%。
[2] White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus Vulgaris) 白芸豆
White Kidney Bean extract is a dietary carbohydrate blocker, by inhibiting the starch-digesting enzyme amylase which otherwise turns the starch you eat into absorbable sugar. It is used alongside carbohydrate containing meals to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates.
White Kidney Bean produces an alpha-amylase inhibitor, which has been characterized and tested in numerous clinical studies. Clinical studies also showed that white kidney bean has the ability to reduce the post-prandial spike in blood glucose levels. In summary, White Kidney Bean has the potential to induce weight loss and reduce spikes in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates through its alpha-amylase inhibiting activity.
白芸豆提取物的功效成份菜豆素(又名芸豆蛋白,英文 Phaseolin)是一种天然的 α-淀粉酶抑制剂(α-Amylase Inhibitor)。淀粉酶抑制剂是一种纯天然生物活性物质,属于糖水解酶抑制剂的一种,存在于植物种子的胚乳中,国外称之为“Starch Blocker”
[3] Green Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus Seed Extract) 绿豆
Green beans are rich in various nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iron, potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium and thiamin.
Green bean contains similar compounds, namely indigestible short-chain carbohydrates and soluble fiber. All seeds also contain enzyme inhibitors which interfere with our ability to digest the proteins within these foods.
绿豆中富含各种营养物质,如维生素 A丶 维生素 C丶 维生素 K丶 锰丶 铁丶 钾丶 叶酸丶 钙丶 镁丶 硫胺素。
[4] Lemon Extract (Citrus Medica Limonum) 柠檬提取物
It is a proprietary (-) hydroxycitric acid (HCA), naturally occurred in lemon that clinically demonstrated its appetite and weight management support properties.
Citric acid is a biochemical compound found in citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges. According to Science Daily, citric acid is an antioxidant, which can help increase metabolism and burn more fat.
Research has shown vitamin C can increase the amount of fat the body burns. According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people with adequate vitamin C oxidize 30 percent more fat during exercise than people with low vitamin C levels. Vitamin C is found in oranges, tangerines, mangoes, papaya and pineapples.
它是專有的 (-)羥基檸檬酸 (HCA),一種生化化合物。檸檬酸是一種抗氧化劑,可以幫助增加新陳代謝和燃燒更多脂肪。美國營養學院的研究表明,維生素 C 可以增加身體的脂肪燃燒。有足夠的維生素 C 的人運動時比低維生素 C 水平的人燃燒30%更多的脂肪。
[5] Ginger Root Powder (Zingiber Officinalis Root) 薑根
Ginger Root Powder contains Zingiber Officinale essential oil and Gingerol which able to increase metabolism and stimulate blood circulation, thus boosting metabolism and burning more fat.
In addition to increasing fat loss, ginger may also help a person to feel satiated, which in turn reduces food consumption. Also, it’s been proven that ginger works as a natural appetite suppressant which is the best way to lose weight. Natural appetite suppressants are safe and cause no rebound. Ginger is nearly calorie-free and known to be a thermogenic food. It raises up the body temperature and helps boost metabolism, eliminates water retention in body, reduces fat accumulation and effectively reduces body weight.
姜根中富含的精油和姜辣素成分能提高卡路里的消耗量丶刺激血液循环丶提高新陈代谢和燃烧掉体内多馀的脂肪。具有很强的抗氧化效果,能够疾速铲除自由基,抑制体内过氧化脂质的发生,因此可防止或削减脂肪的堆积,帮助消水肿。另外,生姜含姜辣素,可以加速血液流动,同时也能够扩张毛孔,促使排汗,带走体内多馀的热量,也消除体内湿气,丶消水肿, 从而达到减肥的效果。
FAQ | 常问问题
Q: Who should consume 21's FOUR? 谁适合服用 21's FOUR?
21's FOUR is suitable for those who are facing difficulty in losing weight and people with high carbohydrate diet. 21's FOUR 主要针对体重超重及减肥反复无果的人群,适合易胖且不易瘦人士。也适合摄取高淀粉人士。
Q: Why should I take 21's FOUR? 为什麽我需要服用 21's FOUR?
Nowadays most of us consume fine starch food which will be quickly converted into glucose and absorbed by our body. After this, blood glucose level will increase rapidly, turning food into fats which will then store in our body. 21's FOUR inhibits starch in those food we have consumed, and then decomposes them into glucose, slows down the absorption of glucose, accelerates metabolism, removes body waste and toxins, removes fat deposits and excess sugar from cells. It uses natural extract as a component, in line with the body's metabolic principles, in order to suppress appetite and reduce hunger. 现在的人都吃精致的淀粉食物,人体吸收後会被快速的转换 为葡萄糖,血糖浓度就会快速上升,让吃进去的食物变成脂肪,贮存在身体。21's FOUR 抑制食物中淀粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延缓食物中葡萄糖的吸收, 同时加速新陈代谢,清除体内垃圾和毒素,排除细胞中的脂肪沉淀和多余糖份。它完全采用天然提取物为成分,符合人体的代谢原理,抑制食欲,减少饥饿感。
Q: When to consume 21's FOUR? 什麽时候才是最佳服用 21's FOUR 的时间?
Take one sachet at the start (with the first bites) of the meal. 服用一包 21's FOUR 後立刻进食;无须等待。
Q: What should I take note when I am consuming 21's FOUR? 在服用 21's FOUR 期间,我需要注意些什麽?
Drink 2.0 - 3.0 L of water per day. Split the water intake, 300-350ml at a time throughout the day to replenish the water loss as the result of increasing the metabolism. 每天至少二至三公升清水。但是切记,请不要一次性饮用过量的清水,正确的饮水方式应该是每次一杯(300-350毫升)便足够。
Q: How to maximize the effect of 21's FOUR? 如何提升 21's FOUR 的效果?
Maintain healthy lifestyle, eat less but more often and ‘No-Dinner’ diet. Take less carbonated drink, chocolate drink and processed foods. Exercise is also recommended to increase metabolism and burn excessive body fat.
保持规律作息, 可以少食多餐但是忌夜宵。另一个容易的改变,就是少喝汽水丶巧克力牛奶等任何添加精制糖饮料。多运动也可以帮助新陈代谢, 加速燃烧贮积于身体的多余脂肪。

0. Detoxification - 21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]
1. Burn Fat - 21's ONE [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]
2. Block Fat - 21's TWO [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]
3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]
4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]