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显示标签为“weak body”的博文。显示所有博文

星期五, 十月 21, 2016

Resolving weak body and always tired. 身体虚弱, 容易疲惫 || Zero+

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身体虚弱, 容易疲惫 
Zero+ 顾客:已经收到一张warning letter/警告信了(因为上班没精神),不过之前一阵子的事了。因为现在都服用Zero+了啊, 没有这个问题了。前一阵子都很容易爱睡,不懂是不是因为便秘的关系。晚上都睡不好觉。

一定是了。亲,我有很多顾客也是因为便秘我难题, 搞到身体状况欠佳,晚上睡不好。即使睡了也一直发梦。他们都说便秘很难受,食欲也不好,腹部有整天鼓鼓(搅肚子的关系)。

Zero+ 顾客:我也是吃不下没有胃口咧。 症状很像。

Zero+代理: 这样才会一样找上Zero+的嘛。嘻嘻。 市场上Zero+是最强的排毒了。而且又好喝(lemon口味)。

Zero+ 顾客:

Resolving weak body and always tired.

Zero+ Customer:(due to healthy condition and no concentrate on working) Already receive 1 warning letter. But that was already past for a while. Because now i consuming Zero+, no longer have such problem. Last time really felt asleep, maybe is because constipation problem. Can't sleep well at night as well.

Zero+ Seller:  Yes, definitely is cause by constipation problem, a lot my my customer also facing the same problem.Is very suffering, no appetite to eat as well, and stomach also not feeling well.

Zero+ Customer: Ya ya, i also no having any appetite as well. Same symptom.

Zero+ Seller: That why we able to meet each other, hehe. Now Zero+ is the most powerful detox product in Malaysia market, and it also taste well with lemon favor.

Zero+ Customer: The most important is solving my tiredness problem. Really scare being fire by company because of this problem.

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