星期五, 四月 12, 2019

「好评」Eve's女性调理系列 | 完整好评

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💔 月经量很少 1天到 4天就没了
💔 偶尔也不来报道
💔 试了许多调理产品也无改改善💔

#改善多囊性卵巢症候群 (PCOS)

「#好评」 Eve's女性调理系列



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星期四, 四月 11, 2019

你知道什么是好的胆固醇吗? | Inchaway Good & Bad Cholesterol

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5.在一年左右的时间,身体98%的细胞都会被  重新更新一次。而骨细胞更新需要7年所以,不管你有三高、需要减肥、肠胃调理、亚健康的问题。


#WhatsApp点击这个链接 : http://wa.me/60162208564?text=pm 
Wechat: 0162208564

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星期一, 四月 08, 2019

Adam's 雄赳赳 | 现代男士量身而作的男人恩物

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👨Adam’s 是为现代男士量身而作的男人恩物。Adam’s能提供全方位的照顾, 由内至外,上至下,唤醒你身体里沉睡已久的男性荷尔蒙,激活你的雄性激素从而激發男人的欲望。
Adam’s 能让你再展雄风,增添自信,再次散发出男士原始的男性魅力—雄赳赳的男人味!💪

针对问题 :- 
👉Adam’s 能刺激你体内的細胞,准确地向针对性部位傳達信號,让你散发魅力!

👉Adam’s能激活男性內分泌器官,在你的男性荷尔蒙活跃帮助之下, 塑造男人寬闊的胸膛与肩膀,迷人的身形线条!




👉让Adam’s点燃你的雄性激素,增强你的男性特徵并雄风再现,Adam’s 更肩負調節精子製造及促進精子活動能力为使命!


⚡Adam’s 独特技术:

内调 (Adam’s)

【Adam’s 全方位内调护理】

👉牡蛎提取物别称蛎蛤、左顾牡蛎,是一种棕黄色粉末 。通常用来制作医药保健品,饮料和食物添加剂。它有助于平肝潜阳,软坚散结,收敛固涩。






✅含有维生素B12 - 具有造血功能的作用,预防恶性贫血,有明显的保肝利胆作用








1box Adam's : RM160
2box Adam's: RM280
4box Adam's: RM550
6box Adam's: RM800
8box Adam's: RM1050
12box Adam's: RM1490

Adam's & Eve's is a perfect product for MEN & WOMEN to balancing your hormone. Adam's is the comprehensive inner care product for MAN that builds your masculine.
ADAM’S SUITABLE FOR - Man with declining sex drive - Man who do less sport and non-active lifestyle - Man who are in midlife and menopause -
Man who are easily tired -
Man who are sexually active -
Man who suffer from insomnia -
Man with dysfunction ADAM'S is a specially tailored for the modern man. It can provide a full range of care, from inner to outer care, from top to bottom, by stimulating, waking up and activate your sleeping male hormones.
ADAM'S allows you to show your glory, self-esteem and again to exude your male charm and valiant masculine. IF hormone imbalance, will cause MALE main problems:
1) Appearances - bald & hypertrichosis / rough & dull aging skin / Wrinkles & dark spots appearance - The male hormone, testosterone (DHT), shortens the growth of hair and the hair fails to enter the fully mature stage. It will be replaced by pubescence gradually and the hair follicles will be shrink and hair will be lost as the result. SOLUTION: Adam's can prevent DHT & Hair follicles atrophy. It also will stimulate your body cells by improving men's microcirculation and blood circulation to promote hair growth.
2) Physique - Muscles soreness & weakness / big belly & fitness / lack of muscles & body lines / Osteoporosis - Androgens make men look more masculine and help to build the muscles. But after 30years of age, men's male hormones will be declined gradually and the tummy will easily grow big due to lacking androgens.
SOLUTION: with the help of male hormones, ADAM'S revive your endocrine organ and giving back your well-built body.
3) Physiological - Less semen & less ejaculation / sexual dysfunction / lust indifference or disappearance / penile erectile dysfunction / impotence / urinary symptoms of urinary frequency, nocturia, urine after drop. - The decline in male hormone levels can lead to male sexual retardation, decreased libido and sexual dysfunction.
Epididymal fluid secretion will be decreased and affected the sperm's maturation.
SOLUTION: Adam's can boosts up your male hormones and improved the whole reproductive system.


BENEFIT for Adam's Inner Care 
1) Improves men's microcirculation and blood circulation
2) Reducing the blood pressure and cholesterol
3) Strengthen the function of hematopoietic
4) Increase the length and hardness of the penis
5) Improves sperm's health and boost the success rate of the pregnancy
6) Improves the sleeping quality
7) Enhances sexual performance
😎 Protech the body cell and lower the risk of cancers
9) Percent blood vessel calcification and promotes blood vessel elasticity.
10) Enhances male reproductive system
11) Effectively treats the problem of impotence
12) Improving the immunity and lymphatic system
13) Reduces symptoms of frequency, nocturia, urgency, and terminal. Improves bladder control.

The main ingredient for Adam's Inner Care: 
1) Pumpkin Seed Extract - relieve bladder discomfort
2) Ginseng Extract - Energy booster and delay aging
3) Damiana Extract - increase vitality
4) Deffatted Flat Seet Extract - Anti inflammation, reducing blood lipids and pressure
5) Oyster Extract - Rplenish energy, increase the interest on bed and promote metabolism.

 *with low temperature extracton and sterillisatio technology, effectively retain the natural active ingredients and faster absorption by human.

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星期五, 二月 01, 2019

Hera Eve's 女神系列 | 女性保健,男性保健 | 绝对是你夫妻最需要的保健品 【完整解说】

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造成卵巢早衰的影响 #不孕不育率提升

Adam's & Eve's 绝对是你夫妻最需要的保健品❤️





#调理月经失调 #改善荷尔蒙失调 #改善月经失调 #Eves天然子宫保养品

- Woman with gynaecological inflammation
- Woman who do less sport and non active lifestyle
- Woman with babies
- Woman who are in middle-aged and menopause
- Woman who are sexually active
- Woman who are having sex for more than 3 months
- Woman who had abortion

Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列的特点: 

1. 生过宝宝的女性
2. 性史超过三年的女性
3. 性事频繁的女性
4. 人流,药流后的女性
5. 有妇科炎症的女性
6. 久坐少运动的女性
7. 中年与更年期女性

#913 #私密处异味 #瘙痒白带 #紧致私密处

- Man with declining sex drive
- Man who do less sport and non active lifestyle
- Man who are in midlife and menopause
- Man who are easily tired
- Man who are sexually active
- Man who suffer from insomnia
- Man with dysfunction
A beauty of a female comes from confidence, and confidence comes from having a good health with balace female hormones.
After 35 years old, the reduction of estrogen secretion in female can cause hormonal changes drastically. This will lead to skin and appearances problems, physique problems and female reproduction diseases.
IF hormon imbalance, will cause Female main problems:
1) Appearances
- Rough & dull aging skin / Sagging & wrinkles appearances / Pimples & dark spot problems / Hair falls
- Estrogen and progesterone directly affect the skin condition. Lacking of female hormone will decrease the formation of collagen at skin and thus looking older.

Eve's can balance your female hormones, reconcile to work within body to reverse your aging problems.
2) Physique
- Smaller bust / Sagging breast / easily gain weight
- skin aging, transition weight loss, childbirth and breast-feeding cause sagging of the breast area.

Eve's can increase metabolic ratess and stimulate female hormones to achieve bust firming and curvy waistline.
3) Physiological
- delayed menstrution cycle/ uncomfortable and pain during mensstruation / gynecological diseases / infertility
- Lack of progesterone, premature oarian failure, polycystic ovary and certain ovarian tumors can affect ovarian hormone secretion and ovulation, which leads to the occurrence of infertility.
- Lack of progesterione, premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovary and certain ovarian tumors can affect ovarin hormone secretion and ovulation, which leads to the occurrence of infertility.
Eve's can regulate female hormones, increase sexual hormones and promote reproductive functions.
4) Embarrassed Genital Issued
- toxin accumulation / unpleasant odor
- most of the female do not well knowledge on taking good care of their genital area.
With the magical essential oil treatment, Eve's can remove toxins at virginal, diminish harmful bacteria and improve odor of private parts.

EVE'S内调外护💕 女性全方面护理补品
~ 口服EVE'S ~

~ EVE'S精油 ~

~ EVE'S私密卫生洗液 ~


Benefit for INNER CARE:
1) Relieve vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, dyspareunia
2) Enhance vagina and uterus muscles, increasse sexual enjoyment
3) Stimulate sexual desire and sexual response
4) Bust firming, strengthening the abdominal and pelvic muscles.
5) Promote blood circulation
6) Improve irregular menstraution
7) Restore feminine lubrication
8) Increase metabolism
9) Relieve menstrual pain
10) Improve sleep quality
11) Delay menopause
Main ingredients for INNER CARE:
1) Licorice Extract - Detox and enhance energy
2) Pueraria Lobata Extact - Hormone balancing
3) Pueraria Mirifica Extract - Hormone additives
4) Vitamin C - Enhance product efffects


1) Effectively antibacterial, itching and cured odour
2) Protect inner and outer health of genital
3) Maintain genital hygience
4) Moisten and increase elasticity on genital area
5) Treatment and prevention of vaginal fungal and bacterial infections.
Main ingredients for OUTER CARE:
1) Melaleuca - Antibacterial and detox
2) Citrus Lemon - Soothing
3) Lavender - Eliminate bad odor
4) Basil - Cleanse and purify
* with low temperature extraction and sterilization technology, effectively retain the natural active ingredients and faster absorption by human.
* 100% natural plant essential oil with minimal molecule that only takes 3minutes penetrate info our skin and discharges from our body in the next 4-12hours without leaving any residue.

Hera & Eve 女神系列
Hera & Eve the Goddess Series

Hera ,是古希腊神话中的天后、奥林匹斯众神中地位及权力为最高的女神,同时也是奥林匹斯十二主神之一,也是诸神之主——宙斯唯一的合法妻子,掌管婚姻和生育,捍卫家庭。


Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列的诞生是为了保护及照顾现代智慧女性,由内到外,无微不至而延伸出来的概念产品系列 。
所以 Hera & Eve 的系列产品,就是让女人好像 Hera & Eve 一样,拥有美丽迷人的女神外貌,同时还拥有健康的身体。

Hera, the ancient Greek goddess, one of the greatest Goddess and twelve primary gods of the Olympus, and the only wife to the master of all Gods – Zeus; she is in charge of marriages, births and family affairs.

In Hebrew, Eve shares similar writing with “life”, so the name Eve, is easily related to sexuality, survival, to give life, or mother of all living.

The introduction of Hera & Eve is here to care for the modern wise ladies, with love and sensitivity, from inside out.

Hera & Eve provides fertility and life to all women around the world, and at the same time being the protector for marriage and family.
In this series of Hera & Eve, we want our women to be just like Hera & Eve, being beautiful like a goddess, at the same time being healthy, feeling good from inside out.

私密部位保健概念抬頭 迎接內外皆美的新时代智慧女性,照顧自己也等於照顧親密愛人,擁有健康滿意的幸福生活,就從簡單的日常私密护理開始吧!一个美丽自信的女人是源自于拥有健康的身体,才能发挥女性魅力,拥有健康的身体, 女性必须 从健康的子宫卵巢的保养开始, 简单来说,当女性35岁后,卵巢功能开始减退,雌激素分泌减少,因此当女性雌激素水平降低时,女性的衰老及疾病也随之而来,生活质量与女性魅力急剧下降,因此有此一说:卵巢养好,女人不老!

Happiness ≠ Sexual satisfaction
The concept of women’s care now comprise from internal to external, taking care of herself equals taking care of her love ones; let’s begin from daily intimate care for a healthy and happy life! Beauty comes from confidence; and confidence comes from having good health. After 35 years of age, the reduction of estrogen secretion causes ovarian functions to decline; women start aging faster and are prone to diseases, drastic changes show in their quality of life and attractiveness. They say: A healthy ovary keeps a woman young!

💁‍♀️Eve's 增添了kacip fatimah,女人的宝物之一


卵巢早衰的原因 ( present by chart or grahic)
1. 生活习惯
2. 月经情况及婚育史
3. 遗传、手术史
4. 环境因素
5. 感染因素
6. 心理因素

Causes of aging ovarian (present by chart or graphic)
1. Bad lifestyle
2. Poor menstruation and obstetrical history
3. genetics, post-surgery
4. Environmental Factors
5. infection factor
6. Psychological Factors

卵巢早衰的影响( present by chart or grahic)
1. 乳房下垂
2. 性冷淡
3. 更年期提前
4. 乳块乳腺增生
5. 经期不适
6. 失眠
7. 妇科炎症
8. 皮肤粗糙老化

Effects of aging ovarian (present by chart or graphic)
1. Sagging of breasts
2. Low sex drive
3. Early menopause
4. Hyperplasia
5. Menstrual discomfort
6. Insomnia
7. Gynaecological inflammation
8. Rough aging skin



The next thing to acquire after elegance and self confidence is to place emphasis on relationship, be it interaction, communication or even intercourse. They say: a woman’s private part is like her second face; Taking care of it, to secure herself a wonderful life of happily ever after.

Common female physiological problem:
10 Women: all 10 can’t stand cold; 9 have inflammatory problems; 8 with itchiness; 7 are loose; 6 undergo pain; 5 feel dry; 4 grow poxes; 3 have spots; 2 suffer from tumours; 1 is diagnosed with cancer

很多女性会遭遇到难以启齿的私密问题,包括不正常的分泌物、阴部搔痒、异味等问题,根据98%女性一般都会有阴部搔痒的问题,其中有85% 的人会反覆感染, 40% 的人会到医院就医, 38% 自行买药, 20% 的人不理会,至于发生的原因,有43% 是来自公共设施的感染, 36% 来自性爱,而有21% 是来自其他原因。这个调查显示出女性私密问题的严重性,所以现代女人不能光只保养看得见的地方,而看不见的地方也要保养,因为女性的「私密处」是全身肌肤中角质层最薄,最敏感的部位,更需要被呵护。

Women these days suffer from embarrassing feminine health, including abnormal secretions, itching in the genital area, odour and other issues. According to studies, 98% of women undergo itchiness in the genital area, 85% are repeatedly infected, 40% of them seek medical attention, 38% get medication advice from pharmacies, and 20% ignore their problem. For the causes of infection, 43% come from public facilities, 36% from sexual intercourse, while 21% from everywhere else. It shows that the rising severity of feminine issues cannot be extinguished by only taking care of “visible body parts”. Maintaining good feminine health is vital as it is the most sensitive body part of all.

现代人生活过度紧张,尤其女性「私密处」正常的酸碱值为Ph3.5 ~ 4.5 ,阴道的酸碱值很容易因为上述原因及月经经血、性交等原因而使酸碱值改变,以至于成为细菌的温床,所以私密处的保养功夫更是不容忽略。

使用私密处保养品已经是新时代智慧女性的一种保养习惯。生理期、怀孕、更年期… 这些对女人来说的重要人生历程,当然需要特别的保养。生理期间私密处产生不适感是多数女性共有的经验,这正表示妳忽略了清洁与保养,想停止噩梦就要好好照顾自己。

Normal pH of women’s private part fall in the range of 3.5 to 4.5, but stressful lifestyle, menstruation and sexual intercourse can cause imbalance pH within the area. When it is not being nicely taken care of, these problems make it a breeding ground for bacteria.

Using private care products is already a norm for the wise modern ladies. Menstrual period, pregnancy and menopause are all important milestones for a woman. Menstruation is usually torturous, which means that most women have neglected the hygiene of their genital; this nightmare can be stopped with regular cleaning and maintenance

Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列 (Hera & Eve Lady Essential Care)


Concept of caring from inside out:
Internal or external care alone is not enough; but with this comprehensive internal and external women’s care product, it provides you a full range of personal care

Hera & Eve 口服女性私密保养品(Lady Essential ~ Mix Berries Powder)

Internal Care:
Hera & Eve Women’s Internal care (Lady Essential ~ Peach flavour)


Peach Juice Powder, Soy Isoflavone, Pomegranate Extract, Licorice Extract, Manjakani Extract, Pueraria Mirifica Extract, Gingko Extract.


Pueraria Mirifica
Pueraria grows in the wild; made for women who emphasise on outer appearance, it is a nutritional food for women without any known side effects. Studies have shown that Pueraria is a rare food which can regulate female hormone and also balance female endocrine level. It is closely linked together when it comes to regulating female endocrine, and the vagina plays a major role in regulating period discharge. Pueraria is added for the maintenance of uterus, ovaries and vaginal elasticity.


Licorice extract
Menstrual pain is usually caused by uterine contractions. Women feel pain during menstrual period due to the loss of oxygen supply in the uterus.


The main benefit of internal care:
1. Relieve vaginal dryness, vaginal atrophy, dyspareunia
2. Improve irregular menstruation
3. Enhance vagina and uterus muscles, increase sexual enjoyment
4. Stimulate sexual desire and sexual response
5. Bust firming, strengthening the abdominal and pelvic muscles
6. Promote blood circulation
7. Restore feminine lubrication
8. Relieve menstrual pain
9. Increase metabolism
10. Improve sleep quality
11. Delay menopause

Hera & Eve 100%纯植物私密护理精油 (Hera & Eve 100%Vaginal Hygiene Essential Oil)

External Care:
Hera & Eve 100% Vaginal Hygiene Essential Oil

Melaleuca, citrus lemon, lavender angustifolia, basil


Melaleuca is effective as an agent of antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal. It is found to be effective on candida and trichomoniasis. These two vaginal infections will cause vaginal discharge to change in odour, colour and texture.


Citrus lemon
It is a natural scent with freshness and cleanliness, useful for everything from disinfected surfaces to lifting the mood. Limonene is the active compound of Citrus lemon which is reputed as a good cleaner. Therefore it is the best ingredient to keep your private area clean to avoid infection and also prevent urinary tract infection



The main effect of the external care:

1. Treatment and prevention of vaginal fungal and bacterial infections.
2. Eliminate unpleasant odour and itchiness.
3. Relieve swelling of inflamed genital.
4. Maintain a high degree of genital hygiene.
5. Improve odour of private part.
6. Smoothen the delicate skin in the genital area.
7. Moisten and increase vagina elasticity

Hera & Eve 100%纯植物私密护理精油是女性纯天然的缩阴圣品!


Hera & Eve Women’s Essential Oil is made 100% from plant. It is the ultimate product for all women.

With the extra small molecule in our essential oil, it only takes 3 minutes penetration into our skin, reaches our blood stream in 8-10 minutes, and discharge from our body in the next 4-12 hours leaving no residual, making it safe with no side effects.

Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列 (Hera & Eve Lady Essential Care), 其神奇的治疗原理以及芳香治疗原理。一周滋润私处,一个月让您重拾紧实、滋润、粉嫩的年轻女生私处!

Hera & Eve Women’s Essential Oil - with its magical aroma therapy treatment, moisturized private part can be achieved in a week, regain of firmness and elasticity within a month, helping you relive the dignity during your teens!

Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列的特点: 


Benefit of Hera & Eve Comprehensive Women’s Care:

Taking it daily can have antimicrobial effect to prevent against gynecological diseases such as relieve itchiness, remove odours, and balance of yin and yang. While tightening the vagina, it also gives a more radiant complexion.

1. 生过宝宝的女性
2. 性史超过三年的女性
3. 性事频繁的女性
4. 人流,药流后的女性
5. 有妇科炎症的女性
6. 久坐少运动的女性
7. 中年与更年期女性

Suitable for women who have:-
1. Given birth
2. More than 3 years of sexual intercourse
3. Frequent intercourse
4. Gone through abortion
5. Gynecological diseases
6. Inactive or rarely exercising
7. Middle-aged and menopausal ladies

 Eve's 相关问题 
1. 如果没有妇科疾病能否服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]?
可以如用。[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]有宿阴回春的作用,提高性欲,改善下阴松弛等现象。帮助女性重回少女时紧窄状态,全面提高房事质量。

 2. 绝经妇女可以服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]? 可以服用。因为[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]可以通过刺激卵巢激活细胞,恢复雌性激素的分泌水平,调解内分泌失调、生殖系统、妇科疾病引起的腰酸腿痛等症。具体使用时因人而异。

3. 手术及分娩多长时间后可以服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]?

4. 更年期女性能否服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]? 有什么作用?
可以,更年期女性的卵巢功能衰退,体内雌激素水平下降,机能老化分泌失调。[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列] 可以调节气血、平衡阴阳、调节内分泌,还能修复子宫,保养卵巢,延缓衰老。

5. 为什么服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]后分泌液会增多?

6. 为什么服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]后有美容祛斑的效果?
女性的生殖系统是否健康会在面部直接反映出来,而[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]直接益气补血,调节内分泌系统,稳定机体内部环境,排出妇科病毒,从而到达以内养外淡化色斑的效果。

7. 为什么[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]有丰胸的功效?
因为乳房的大小与卵巢分泌孕激素的含量有关。[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]可以通畅经络,促进乳房血液及营养供应,从而达到丰胸作用。

8. 服用[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]会不会产生依赖性?
不会。因为[Hera & Eve 私密女性护理系列]是天然草药经科学加工提炼而成,清宫排毒、活血、调节卵巢功能,使卵巢正常分泌各种荷尔蒙,不会产生依赖性。

Hera & Eve 服女性私密保养品 特别声明/注意事项 

服用方法 ~每天服用1包、早饭后口服。 存储 ●储存在阴凉,干燥的地方。 ●不要暴露在阳光直射。 ●请将此产品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 份量 3克
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星期二, 十一月 06, 2018

【哪个最好?】吃鸡神器 | Top Pubg Joystick/Controller/Trigger Switches

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PUBG Mobile Controller & Trigger Switches

PUBG Mobile finally made its way to the U.S. this week, and its surprise launch has left players with many questions, particularly on the topic of controller support. Can you use a PS4 or Xbox controller with PUBG Mobile? Are there any workarounds to use a controller with Android and iOS devices? The subject is a little complicated right now, but here’s what we know.

For many mobile gamers, the arrival of Fortnite and Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds is a very interesting change. Mobile games used to be boring, kid-specific stuff that lacked any sense of credibility or invention. As time has gone on, though, that has changed quite spectacularly.

Today, gaming on a mobile device is about as fun as you could have realistically expected. The development of two of the most popular games on the market today, though, has been a major talking point for all manner of mobile gamer getting into the scene.

One problem exists, though – gaming on a mobile device sucks. Thumbing the screen all day not only leaves you with numb thumbs at the end of a session, but it makes it hard to really get into the gaming experience. Add in the fact that your screen space is wasted with these buttons on the side, and it’s much harder to find any genuine fun if you are used to playing with a pad.

While the team behind PUBG, TenCent, have recently made it clear that they will be reducing people playing with pads and/or keyboard and mouse to only being able to play each other, playing with a pad is the best way to have fun with this.

If you want to start cleaning up on Fortnite or PUBG Mobile, then you need to invest in a decent PUBG mobile gaming joystick or PUBG Mobile Controller. We have three main recommendations for you to take a look at today, and they include:

Top 1 PUBG Controller Trigger Switches/ 98K (For Left and Right Hand Shooting):

This is pretty cool with the screen to straighten and stabilize the joystick.

 大吉大利,晚上吃鸡 | 吃鸡神奇 | 刺激战场辅助器 | 安卓苹果专用 | 地求生射击走位四指 | 游戏手游手柄按键式

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星期四, 十月 25, 2018


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1) 斷食首先是練脾胃:
2) 斷食練肝膽:
3) 斷食練腎:
4) 斷食練心腦:
5) 斷食練肺臟:

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星期四, 十月 11, 2018

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR [强效瘦身配套 - 4号 阻卡/淀] || Complete Descriptions 完整解说

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21's FOUR - Revealing secrets behind obesity 解开瘦不下来的迷思

21's Four - block carb - logo

Product Information & Functions | 产品简介与功效

[1] Carbohydarate Blocker
[2] Fat Burning
[3] Appetite Suppression
[4] High Fibre Diet
[5] Satiety

With thousands of calories stored in their bodies, why are fat people always feel hungry? The more they eat, the more hunger they feel. The problem is, this huge savings of energy called body fat is locked up.
The feeling of fullness is controlled by the hypothalamus. Blood sugar will activate hypothalamus and send fullness signals to our body. At the same time, insulin was secreted to convert sugar into fat in order to balance up our blood sugar. Excessive fat will be stored in the body.
Insulin plays a major role in metabolism – the way the body uses digested food for energy. The digestive tract breaks down carbohydrates (sugars and starches found in many food) into glucose. Glucose is a form of sugar that enters the bloodstream. With the help of insulin, our cells absorb glucose and use it for energy.

The most important point is obese people need more insulin to maintain the blood sugar level. Their body cells cannot easily absorb glucose from bloodstream. As a result, the body needs higher level of insulin to help glucose enter cells. The more insulin secreted, the more body fats will be stored in the body. Not only high fat content food will cause fat stored in body, but all types of food will be converted to fat and accumulated in the body. High level of insulin will also reduce the fat metabolism to generate energy.

Nowadays our main carbohydrate sources are processed and refined food such as white rice, white bread, wheat flour and etc. These items contains easily digested carbohydrates that may contribute to weight gain and obesity.

21's FOUR is rich in dietary fiber. This indigestible portion of food is readily fermented in the colon into gases physiologically active byproducts , Short-chain fatty acids, SCFAs, helps to keep the gut wall healthy and sealed. Studies show that SCFAs improves immune system, reduces health risks, helps in weight management and prevent cancer.

[1] 抑制食物中澱粉被分解
[2] 脂肪燃烧
[3] 抑制食欲
[4] 高纤维
[5] 饱腹感
大家都知道,要想减肥不再想吃东西,身体就必须产生饱腹感。而人的饥饿感和饱腹感是由人脑调节控制的。在人的下丘脑中,有控制食欲的神经中枢。葡萄糖是刺激这个中枢的物质。当吃完饭后,血中的葡萄糖增多,饱腹中枢因受到刺激而兴奋,人就产生饱腹感,不想再吃了。同时当血糖升高, 人体会分泌胰岛素来维持血糖正常水平, 把糖转化为脂肪。过剩的脂肪将被贮存在身体。
21's FOUR抑制食物中澱粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延緩食物中葡萄糖的吸收,而此时脂肪开始分解,体重也就减下来了。
21's FOUR 也富含高纤维的成分。膳食纤维(Dietary Fiber,DF)是植物的一部分并不被人体消化的一大类糖类物质,对人体有着显著的健康益处。膳食纤维的特点是小肠酶不能分解利用,具有较低能量值,而且在肠道菌的作用下发酵可产生短链脂肪酸(Shortchain Fatty Acids,SCFAs),促进益生菌等发挥广泛的健康作用。膳食纤维能夠促進肠道健康和增加饱腹感。此外,它同時擁有调节体重、预防脂肪代谢紊乱,以及预防某些癌症等方面的健康功效。

21's Four - block carb - Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology | 高端技术
After years of researches, improving the bio cutting-edge technology, identifying genes and Bioactive, and reapplying long-held beliefs in new ways, 21's FOUR was developed and formulated to be working on its way to melt away pounds, inches and calories.

21's FOUR combined RA-P450 CHO technology and Rhodystero-3C technology to develop an antagonistic technology, stimulating and maintaining body inter-cellular communication. It will send out the same signals that normally happen when eating a lot of food, so that the body starts the metabolism process with a delay of carbohydrate absorption, balances up the process of energy release and intake, increases of accumulated fat burning and reduction of pre-adipocyte differentiation and lipogenesis.

生物技术一直不断地被改进。在历经多年研究之后,21's FOUR利用基因和生物活性识别度被大大提升的时代,以崭新的方式重新开发和制定瘦身信念,有效地解决缠绕着胖子的种种问题。

21's FOUR 结合 RA-P450 CHO 技术和 Rhodystero-3C 技术,成功制造出一种对抗肥胖的技术。其刺激和维持身体细胞间的关系,建立良好的通讯。除此之外,在这两种技术完美结合的情況下,让身体制造相同于当我们摄取大量食物时会引发的信号,提升新陈代谢的过程、延缓碳水化合物的吸收、平衡能量的释放和摄入过程、增加燃烧囤积的顽固脂肪、减少前脂肪细胞分化、以及减低脂肪的生成。

21's Four - block carb - main ingredients

Main Ingredients & Functions | 主要成分
[1] Green Tea Powder (Camellia Leaf Extract) 绿茶粉
Green Tea is an essential for proper glucose utilization, and resveratrol has been shown to improve insulin signaling to help prevent metabolic dysfunction.

Scientists determined that EGCG found in Green Tea Extract blocks the action of an enzyme called alpha-amylase that normally breaks carbohydrates to simple sugars for digestion.

Researchers have uncovered a host of naturally occurring compounds in Green Tea that slow the release of glucose from carbohydrates after consumption, or help to usher sugar into our cells where it is used for energy metabolism.

绿茶可延缓葡萄糖分解率和改善胰岛素信号,有助于防止代谢紊乱。绿茶中的 EGCG(Epigallocatechin Gallate)是绿茶茶多酚的主要组成成分,具有抑制淀粉分解的功能。绿茶能够帮助控制飙升的血糖水平。α-淀粉酶是负责将体内的淀粉分解成麦芽糖和葡萄糖,而绿茶中的EGCG成分能够抑制这些酶。EGCG是茶叶特有的儿茶素,其量最高,占茶多酚制品的40%~50%。

[2] White Kidney Bean Extract (Phaseolus Vulgaris) 白芸豆
White Kidney Bean extract is a dietary carbohydrate blocker, by inhibiting the starch-digesting enzyme amylase which otherwise turns the starch you eat into absorbable sugar. It is used alongside carbohydrate containing meals to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates.

White Kidney Bean produces an alpha-amylase inhibitor, which has been characterized and tested in numerous clinical studies. Clinical studies also showed that white kidney bean has the ability to reduce the post-prandial spike in blood glucose levels. In summary, White Kidney Bean has the potential to induce weight loss and reduce spikes in blood sugar caused by carbohydrates through its alpha-amylase inhibiting activity.

白芸豆提取物的功效成份菜豆素(又名芸豆蛋白,英文 Phaseolin)是一种天然的 α-淀粉酶抑制剂(α-Amylase Inhibitor)。淀粉酶抑制剂是一种纯天然生物活性物质,属于糖水解酶抑制剂的一种,存在于植物种子的胚乳中,国外称之为“Starch Blocker”

[3] Green Bean (Phaseolus Lunatus Seed Extract) 绿豆
Green beans are rich in various nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, iron, potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium and thiamin.
Green bean contains similar compounds, namely indigestible short-chain carbohydrates and soluble fiber. All seeds also contain enzyme inhibitors which interfere with our ability to digest the proteins within these foods.

绿豆中富含各种营养物质,如维生素 A丶 维生素 C丶 维生素 K丶 锰丶 铁丶 钾丶 叶酸丶 钙丶 镁丶 硫胺素。

[4] Lemon Extract (Citrus Medica Limonum) 柠檬提取物
It is a proprietary (-) hydroxycitric acid (HCA), naturally occurred in lemon that clinically demonstrated its appetite and weight management support properties.
Citric acid is a biochemical compound found in citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges. According to Science Daily, citric acid is an antioxidant, which can help increase metabolism and burn more fat.
Research has shown vitamin C can increase the amount of fat the body burns. According to the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people with adequate vitamin C oxidize 30 percent more fat during exercise than people with low vitamin C levels. Vitamin C is found in oranges, tangerines, mangoes, papaya and pineapples.
它是專有的 (-)羥基檸檬酸 (HCA),一種生化化合物。檸檬酸是一種抗氧化劑,可以幫助增加新陳代謝和燃燒更多脂肪。美國營養學院的研究表明,維生素 C 可以增加身體的脂肪燃燒。有足夠的維生素 C 的人運動時比低維生素 C 水平的人燃燒30%更多的脂肪。

[5] Ginger Root Powder (Zingiber Officinalis Root) 薑根
Ginger Root Powder contains Zingiber Officinale essential oil and Gingerol which able to increase metabolism and stimulate blood circulation, thus boosting metabolism and burning more fat.
In addition to increasing fat loss, ginger may also help a person to feel satiated, which in turn reduces food consumption. Also, it’s been proven that ginger works as a natural appetite suppressant which is the best way to lose weight. Natural appetite suppressants are safe and cause no rebound. Ginger is nearly calorie-free and known to be a thermogenic food. It raises up the body temperature and helps boost metabolism, eliminates water retention in body, reduces fat accumulation and effectively reduces body weight.

姜根中富含的精油和姜辣素成分能提高卡路里的消耗量丶刺激血液循环丶提高新陈代谢和燃烧掉体内多馀的脂肪。具有很强的抗氧化效果,能够疾速铲除自由基,抑制体内过氧化脂质的发生,因此可防止或削减脂肪的堆积,帮助消水肿。另外,生姜含姜辣素,可以加速血液流动,同时也能够扩张毛孔,促使排汗,带走体内多馀的热量,也消除体内湿气,丶消水肿, 从而达到减肥的效果。

FAQ | 常问问题
Q: Who should consume 21's FOUR? 谁适合服用 21's FOUR?
21's FOUR is suitable for those who are facing difficulty in losing weight and people with high carbohydrate diet. 21's FOUR 主要针对体重超重及减肥反复无果的人群,适合易胖且不易瘦人士。也适合摄取高淀粉人士。

Q: Why should I take 21's FOUR? 为什麽我需要服用 21's FOUR?
Nowadays most of us consume fine starch food which will be quickly converted into glucose and absorbed by our body. After this, blood glucose level will increase rapidly, turning food into fats which will then store in our body. 21's FOUR inhibits starch in those food we have consumed, and then decomposes them into glucose, slows down the absorption of glucose, accelerates metabolism, removes body waste and toxins, removes fat deposits and excess sugar from cells. It uses natural extract as a component, in line with the body's metabolic principles, in order to suppress appetite and reduce hunger. 现在的人都吃精致的淀粉食物,人体吸收後会被快速的转换 为葡萄糖,血糖浓度就会快速上升,让吃进去的食物变成脂肪,贮存在身体。21's FOUR 抑制食物中淀粉被分解成葡萄糖的速度,延缓食物中葡萄糖的吸收, 同时加速新陈代谢,清除体内垃圾和毒素,排除细胞中的脂肪沉淀和多余糖份。它完全采用天然提取物为成分,符合人体的代谢原理,抑制食欲,减少饥饿感。

Q: When to consume 21's FOUR? 什麽时候才是最佳服用 21's FOUR 的时间?
Take one sachet at the start (with the first bites) of the meal. 服用一包 21's FOUR 後立刻进食;无须等待。

Q: What should I take note when I am consuming 21's FOUR? 在服用 21's FOUR 期间,我需要注意些什麽?
Drink 2.0 - 3.0 L of water per day. Split the water intake, 300-350ml at a time throughout the day to replenish the water loss as the result of increasing the metabolism. 每天至少二至三公升清水。但是切记,请不要一次性饮用过量的清水,正确的饮水方式应该是每次一杯(300-350毫升)便足够。

Q: How to maximize the effect of 21's FOUR? 如何提升 21's FOUR 的效果?
Maintain healthy lifestyle, eat less but more often and ‘No-Dinner’ diet. Take less carbonated drink, chocolate drink and processed foods. Exercise is also recommended to increase metabolism and burn excessive body fat.
保持规律作息, 可以少食多餐但是忌夜宵。另一个容易的改变,就是少喝汽水丶巧克力牛奶等任何添加精制糖饮料。多运动也可以帮助新陈代谢, 加速燃烧贮积于身体的多余脂肪。

21's Four - block carb - ready stocks
0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]
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3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE [强效瘦身配套 - 3号 瘦腿] || Complete Descriptions 完整解说

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0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号 - 排毒]
1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号 - 燃烧脂肪]
2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号 - 阻挡油脂]
3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号 - 瘦腿/瘦下半身]
4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号 - 阻挡淀粉/糖份]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号 - 瘦腿/瘦下半身]

Product Information | 产品简介

21's THREE delivers major benefits including fat burning, breaking down of fat and boosting of metabolism. It contains Vitamins A, B and C which are often lacking in individuals on a weight reduction diet. With the help with our advanced technology: MaxyCore Complex™, 21's THREE is infused with Melilotus extract, which expedites water excretion for those prone to water retention and accumulation of internal body fat.

21's THREE contains the anti-oxidant qualities necessary to promote thermogenesis which increases the metabolism of fat. It also helps increasing carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate, maintain energy levels while dieting and fat burning process meanwhile curbing the appetite.

21's THREE 所带来的好处包括脂肪燃烧丶脂肪分解和促进体内新陈代谢。它也含有瘦身饮食里经常缺乏的维生素A丶B和C。再加上先进技术MaxyCore Complex™ 的帮助, 在充满草木樨提取物的 21's THREE 里发挥完美功效,加速消除水肿以及脂肪囤积的烦恼。

除此之外,21's THREE 更包含人体必要的抗氧化剂,提升体内产热功能,进而提高脂肪的代谢。这也有助於加快燃烧碳水化合物和提高代谢率丶维持能量水平,同时在脂肪燃烧的过程当中有效的抑制食欲。

Benefits | 好处
When used with a healthy diet plan, the highly effective 21's THREE helps shaping your calves, thighs, hips, legs and stomach in just 7 days! Love to over-indulge, yet hate the unwanted kilos creeping on? 21's THREE will definitely be the smartest choice for you to have the perfect body.

当您服用 21's THREE 时,只要再加上健康的饮食习惯,您将能在短短的 7 天内轻松塑造完美小腿丶大腿丶臀部丶腿部和腹部。如果您偶尔想要放纵自己,但又担心自己变胖,服用 21's THREE 将是您最明智的选择。

[1] Anti-edematous 消水肿
[2] Diuretic & carminative 利尿和驱风
[3] Breakdown & burn fat 分解和燃烧脂肪
[4] Curb appetite 抑制食欲
[5] Boost up blood circulation 促进血液循环
[6] Anti-oxidant 抗氧化

Main Ingredients & Functions | 主要成分
Horse chestnut extract 七叶树提取物
Melilotus extract 草木樨提取物 (Coumarin 香豆素 5%)
Java tea extract 爪哇茶提取物
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 银杏提取物
Chilli extract 辣椒提取物

[a] Horse chestnut extract 七叶树提取物
Reduce swelling, improve blood flow, diuretic.

[b] Melilotus extract 草木樨提取物 (Coumarin 香豆素 5%):
Antiphlogistic, diuretic, emollient, carminative, anti-edematous and anti-exudative.

[c] Java tea extract 爪哇茶提取物:
Anti-edematous, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. 消水肿丶抗氧化剂丶消炎丶利尿丶解痉丶抗微生物和抗真菌。

[d] Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 银杏提取物:
Improves blood circulation and acts as antioxidant. 改善血液循环和作为抗氧化剂。

[e] Chilli extract 辣椒提取物:
Breaks down fats and burns fats. 分解脂肪和燃烧脂肪。

Advanced Technology | 高端技术
MaxyCore Complex™ (MCC) is an unique technology which was developed by our researchers in North America. The incredible results of 21's THREE came from mainly the amazing patent-pending MaxyCore Complex™. This advanced technology infuses all of the main ingredients to our body twice as fast. It also makes them so concentrated, which then help maximizing the already potent slimming effects. Besides, MaxyCore Complex™ is a 100% natural formulation which is scientifically designed to have Dual-Action in order to enhance your weight loss efforts. It also promotes happy mood and protects against cellular oxidative stress. These added synergistic benefits truly make 21's THREE a full spectrum supplement.

MaxyCore Complex™是一项在美国研发的高端技术。21's THREE 能够拥有神奇的瘦身效果,主要是因为它含有 MaxyCore Complex™。这种先进的技术把 21's THREE 的主要成分快速的注入体内,并能使它们更为浓缩,进而帮助加强减肥的效果。此外, 21's THREE 采用 1OO% 天然成分,在经过科学研发後,其 Dual-Action 有助您更快速的减轻体重。此外,它也能帮助促进愉快的心情和预防细胞氧化。MaxyCore Complex™ 是我们多年的心血,它成功的把 21's THREE 化身为一个全方位的健康瘦身辅助品。

After conducting a clinical study with 100 overweight Asian women and men after taking 21's THREE for 7 days, as high as 95% resulted in reduction of body weight and 98% claimed to have slimmer contour at the lower part of their bodies. 根据统计 100 位超重亚洲女性和男性的临床验证报告显示,服用 21's THREE 七天後,95%服用者的体重下降,以及98%觉得下半身(腹部和腹部以下)有明显的变瘦了。

FAQ | 常问问题
Q: How soon will I be able to see the results? 我何時才能看見效果?
Every individual reacts differently to any supplement, hence, the result may vary. Most consumers experience significant improvement within 7 days. However, according to our evidence based report and testimonial, 21's THREE reduces the problem of oedema and edematous, reduces body fat and weight issues.
每一个人的身体状况和反应都不同,因此其结果也会有所不同。大多数服用者可以在 7 天内体验显着的改善。根据我们的统计报告,21's THREE 能够有效的改善浮肿和水肿问题丶改善脂肪以及体重过高的问题。

Q: Who is not suitable to consume this product? 谁不适合服用此产品?
Pregnant and lactating women are not suitable for this product. For those who are on medication or undergoing doctor’s supervision, please consult your doctor or physician before taking this product. 此产品不适合孕妇和哺乳期妇女。如果您正在服用药物或正处於接受医生的监督的状况下,请在服用此产品前谘询你的主诊医生。

Q: Why do I need to take 21's THREE? 为什麽要服用 21's THREE?
21's THREE is scientifically proven to be very effective on anti-edematous, reduces body weight, and shaping your lower body in just one week time. With the enhanced MaxyCore Complex™ technology, the results will be doubled up and twice as fast.
21's THREE 已經科學證明,是一種擁有抗水腫、減輕體重、以及能在短短一個星期內塑造您身材的健康輔助品。再加上 MaxyCore Complex™ 高端技術的配合,其效果將會被大大提升而且更快速。

Q: Do I need to continue consuming 21's THREE even i have lost weight? 如果已达到瘦身效果,我还需要继续服用21's THREE 吗?
Yes. It is advisable to continue consuming 21's THREE even you have achieved your desired body weight, in order to maintain your ideal weight in a longer period of time.
是需要的。若想要效果更持久专家们还是建议您继续服用 21's THREE。这是因为 21's THREE 能够帮助您保持理想的体重,效果不会反弹。

Q: Will long-term usage of 21's THREE cause any side effects? 长期服用会带来副作用吗?
All of our ingredients are 100% of natural origin and there are no side effects that have ever been reported even in its prolonged consumption. 21's THREE 所采用的成份都是 100% 的天然来源。即使长时间服用都不会有副作用。

0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]
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2. Block Fat - 21's TWO [强效瘦身配套 - 2号] || Complete Descriptions 完整解说

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0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]

The all new revolutionary breakthrough fat stopper, 21's TWO comes with Cartivo™ and MicroFuse™ technology. Working with researchers from the United States to put together the dream-come-true ingredient just for you. Now anyone can benefit from a product that stops fat from absorbing into the body. Be the first to experience the miraculous 21's TWO and eat endlessly without the worries of absorbing fats into your body. This revolutionised technology combines all-natural botanical extracts and plant fibres. They work by stopping the absorption of fats, allowing your body to burn fats and converting the fats into energy. If you are struggling with weight-loss and love eating fats and sugar, the 21's TWO may be your solution towards reaching your ultimate goal of weight-loss. 21's TWO融合了两项创新瘦身科技Cartivo™和MicroFuse™,对抑制脂肪的吸收达到双重效果,让您的纤体计画事半功倍。21's TWO是一个由美国多位资深专家联手研发的成果。它采用全天然成分创造奇迹般的控脂效果,是现代男女不可或缺的瘦身辅助品。 有了21's TWO的帮助,即使是人们口中所说的“吃货”也能安心享受美食,无需再有“吃多会变胖”的後顾之忧。21's TWO的顶尖控脂科技结合了天然草本精华与植物纤维,让您的身体有效的抑制脂肪的吸收,再将其转换成能量。 如果您是一位热爱美食,但又因摄取过多脂肪与糖分而感到沮丧的话,21's TWO绝对是解决您的担忧的好帮手。


[1] Cartivo™ The Cartivo™ technology was created for only one reason, to stop fats from being absorbed by the body. We wanted you to be able to enjoy daily meals without having the worries of fat staying in the body. With the Cartivo™ technology, fats are attached to some of the lipase enzyme to stop fats from being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). This undigested fats will then be flushed out of your body naturally through bowel movements, so you digest lesser calories from what you eat. The Cartivo™ technology has changed the beauty-slimming world as we know it and it has helped many people to get rid of fats that they consume each day. In addition, it also removes deposited fats quicker and works to activate cell in vivo, thus eliminating the long-term-silting harm toxin. Cartivo™技术有效的抑制食物油脂的吸收。这项科技的研发主要是让您能够在享受美食之馀,可以不必担心身体吸收过多的油脂而引起肥胖问题。 在Cartivo™技术的帮助下,油脂将更容易的附着於脂肪酶,抑制胃肠道(GI道)吸收油脂。这未被消化的脂肪将通过肠蠕动,自然地被冲出身体,进而让您消化最少份量的卡路里。 这项技术彻底解决了油脂对我们造成困惑。它不但能够燃烧囤积於体内的脂肪,还能迅速的激活体内细胞,从而消除长期沈淀於体内的毒素。

[2]MicroFuse™ Working with our highly skilled research team, we have finally found the perfect solution to blast and dissolve fats in your food. The MicroFuse™ advance technology combines Chitoglucan & L-Carnitine and infuses the ingredients together to blast fats in our food gently into ultra-small particles allowing fats to be flush out of the body. The MicroFuse™ also has a special duo-action formula to dissolve fats that our body burn and converting them into energy for daily needs. What it does is that it taps on the fats around the belly area and turning it into energy instead of simply excreting to wastage. Stubborn fats are no longer the issue with the all-new MicroFuse™ technology, the ingredients goes into your system, loosen up stubborn fats both in your food and belly area, when fats are loose, fats burning is speed up almost 3 times the speed compared to the conventional method.
MicroFuse™采用超纳米化科技将左旋肉硷与菇类萃取物成分融合,能够有效的把食物油脂分解,再把其安全的输送出体外。创新的MicroFuse™科技运用独特的技术,让身体达到天然瘦身效果。 这拥有双重功效的科技,除了溶解脂肪,还能把我们每日所燃烧的脂肪转换为能量。不但如此,MicroFuse™的独特配方能够在特定的部位,尤其是专注在腰部的脂肪释放成分以达到最佳效果。 MicroFuse™技术让产品成份更容易的渗透体内,抑制油脂的吸收,脂肪燃烧效果也会比平常快速高达三倍。顽固脂肪组织再也不会是您的烦恼。
2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号

Neutralises free radicals 中和自由基
Maintains intestinal health 保持肠道健康
Supports the immune system 增强免疫系统
Removes excessive oil from body 排出体内过多的油脂
Repairs the skin & delay body ageing 修复皮肤及延迟衰老
Prevents the absorption of fat from diet 抑制身体从饮食中吸收油脂
Maintaining healthy & beautiful body contour 维持美丽与健康的身体
Protects the body from many chronic conditions 预防慢性疾病
Reduces calories intake and promoting weight loss 减低身体摄取的卡路里及减重
Provides powerful antioxidant support and cellular protection 提供强大的抗氧化成分和细胞的保护层
Helps your body actively protect itself from occasional downturns 帮助身体减轻衰退的症状
Regulates the metabolism and enhances the detoxification process 调节新陈代谢,增强排毒过程

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号

[1] Mixed Berry Extract 混合浆果萃取物
Rich in antioxidants like Anthocyanin, Vitamin C, B Complex, Vitamin E, Copper, Selenium, Iron, etc. 含有提供丰富抗氧化成分的花青素丶维生素C 丶B群丶维生素E 丶铜丶硒丶铁等。

Contains significant amount of body’s daily macronutrient need, including carbohydrates, protein, fat and dietary fibre. 含有大量的人体必需营养素,包括碳水化合物丶蛋白质丶脂肪和膳食纤维。

Helps reduce belly fat and risk factors for cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. 有助於减少腹部脂肪及减少患有心血管疾病和代谢综合徵的可能性。

[2] Mangosteen Extract 山竹萃取物
Known as the “Queen of Fruits” or “Food of the God”. 被称为“水果皇后”或“上帝的食品”。
Contains the most potent source of Xanthone, a rare antioxidant found only in a few types of fruits. 包含非常有效的杂氧葱酮(Xanthone),一种存在於少数水果的抗氧化成分。
Rich in dietary fibre, carbohydrate, vitamin and minerals including Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, etc. 含有丰富的膳食纤维丶碳水化合物丶维生素和矿物质包括镁丶钙丶磷丶钾等。
Moisturises the skin. 滋润皮肤 Helps in body detoxification by flushing out toxic waste. 它可以帮助身体冲洗掉有毒废物。
Boosts energy levels & immunity level. 提高能量和免疫水平。
Increases the metabolism and improve overall health and well-being. 提高新陈代谢及改善整体健康。
Clears bacteria and free radicals that may cause diseases. 清除可能导致疾病的细菌和自由基。
Helps the body extricate waste clogging from digestive system to promote digestion and clear toxins from our system. 有助於清除残留在消化系统的囤积物,以达到良好的消化系统和零毒素的健康身体。

[3] Guarana (Paullina Cupana) Extract 瓜拉纳萃取物
Guarana extract is also known as Guaranine, an appetite suppressant. It can help curb excessive feelings of hunger and promote weight loss. 瓜拉纳萃取物能够有效的抑制食欲及帮助减肥。
Guarana increases mental alertness, fights fatigue, and increases stamina and physical endurance. Native to Brazil, Guarana is taken daily as a health tonic by millions of Brazilian. It is reported to help overcome heat fatigue, detoxifying the blood and is useful for flatulence and obesity. In body care products, it has been used for its tonifying and astringent properties, and in the treatment of cellulite. 瓜拉纳能够提高警觉性丶对抗疲劳丶增加体力和耐力。这个原产於巴西的瓜拉纳,是一种每日被数百万巴西人的摄取的健康补品。据悉,瓜拉纳能够预防热疲劳丶帮助身体解毒丶也有益於拥有胀气和肥胖问题的人。瓜拉纳也因爲其补益和收敛的特性,而被广泛使用於身体护理产品当中以改善肥胖问题。
Aids in metabolic thermogenesis (a mechanism that increases metabolic rate) through nutritional stimulation of the body's ß receptor pathway, which can induce the breakdown and release of stored body fat, thereby allowing stored fats to be turned into energy. 刺激人体ß感应体途径的营养产量以提高代谢产热(一种增加代谢率的机制), 它可促使身体脂肪的分解和释放,进而把体内脂肪变成能量。
A potent fat burner, Guarana has been shown to stimulate the migration of lipids so that fat can be burned as energy. 瓜拉纳是一种强效脂肪燃烧体。它已被证实能够刺激油脂的迁移,好让脂肪能够有效的被转换成能量。
Other active constituents of Guarana are theobromine and theophylline, which are called Xanthines (a class of thermogenic substances found in coffee, tea and certain beans). They have some effect on increasing metabolic rate, suppressing appetite and enhancing both physical and mental performance. 瓜拉纳含有的其它活性成分有可可硷和茶硷,也被称为黄嘌呤(一种咖啡丶茶和某些豆类含有的产热物质) 。他们能够有效的提高代谢率丶抑制食欲丶以及提高身体和心理上的运作。

[4] L-Carnitine 左旋肉硷
Helps in weight loss (reduce percentage of fat). 有助於减肥(减少脂肪的百分比)。
Prevention of osteoporosis. 预防骨质疏松症。
Protection against premature ageing. 预防提早老化。
Protection against oxidative stress and damage from free radicals. 保护免受氧化应激和自由基的损伤。

[5] Aloe Vera Extract 芦荟精华
Contains leaf pulp that is rich in natural nutrients and fibre. 含有丰富的天然营养和纤维的叶浆。
Internal healing, cleansing and repair when ingested. 内部愈合丶清洁和修复。
Stimulates immune system. 刺激免疫系统。

[6] Stevia Extract 甜叶菊提取物
Stevia Rebaudiana has a glycemic index of zero and is a dietary supplement that supports pancreatic function. 甜叶菊的升糖指数(又称血糖生成指数)位於零,它能够让胰腺有正常的运作。
Stevia also helps maintaining normal blood sugar levels. 甜叶菊还可能有助於维持正常的血糖水平。

[7] Chitoglucan 菇类萃取物
Chitoglucan is derived from the edible enokitake mushroom. Chitoglucan contains two all-natural components vegetal chitosan and fatty acid complex. 菇类萃取物是取自於金针菇而得。菇类萃取物包含两种全天然植物成分-植物壳聚醣和脂肪酸络合物。
Vegetal Chitosan stops the body from absorbing incoming fat in the digestive tract. Lowering fat calories obviously leads to decreasing the chances of further weight gain. 植物壳聚醣抑制身体吸收经过消化道的脂肪。降低脂肪热能够有效的减低体重上升的机率。
Fatty acid complex has been found to break down existing body fat and also has a role in metabolic increase. 脂肪酸络合物能够分解体脂肪,并且具有促进新陈代谢的作用。
Chitoglucan controls fat absorption by breaking down and blocking fats from the intestine, helps burn fat, absorbs water in the intestines, and has more health benefits than vegetable fibre. 菇类萃取物分解和抑制肠道吸收脂肪。它有助於燃烧脂肪丶促进肠道水分的吸收,并且具有比植物纤维更多对身体有益的成分。
It breaks down existing fat, and helps boost your metabolism so you burn the fat. 分解脂肪,并有助於提升新陈代谢燃烧脂肪。

[8] Psyllium Husk 车前子壳
Psyllium Husk is an all-natural water soluble gel-reducing fibre which is extracted from husks of blond psyllium seeds.
Psyllium contains up to 70% of soluble and 30% of insoluble fibres. 车前子壳是一种天然的水溶性凝胶纤维,取自於车前子种子。车前子壳含有高达70%的可溶性纤维和30%的不溶性纤维
It is very useful as a weight loss and colon cleansing tool. Psyllium Husk is highly effective when taken about 30 minutes before meal. 在饭前约30分钟服用车前子壳是最为有效的。它能够达到很好的减肥和结肠清洗效果。
Psyllium husk (Plantago Ovata) is generally treated as a laxative in the world market which stimulates the bowel movement and facilitates excretory action in case of constipation. The swelling up of intestine due to bulk-forming laxative softens and increases the volume of the stools. This then encourages the bowel move and pushes the stool out. 车前子壳(卵形车前子)通常在市场上被用为通便丶刺激肠道蠕动丶及预防便秘排泄的重要元素。车前子壳软化粪便及增加其体积,造成肠道的膨胀,进而促进肠道蠕动来帮助排便。
Psyllium mucilage absorbs water and expands substantially. In the stomach, Psyllium expansion produces feeling of fullness. This causes a decrease in food intake. 车前子粘液吸收水分并在胃中增加膨胀的幅度产生饱和感,有效的减低食欲。

[9] Inulin 菊粉
Inulin is a type of carbohydrate from a plant source with monosaccharides, linked together to create oligosaccharides. 菊粉是来自单糖植物源的碳水化合物,它能够制造低聚醣。

Inulin is not broken down into monosaccharides so it will not cause an increase in blood sugar levels and can contribute to the prevention of high spikes in blood sugar levels, which occurs when most carbohydrate rich foods are eaten. 由於菊并不会被分解成单糖的型态,所以它不会提高血糖水平。

Inulin has a range of sweetness from subtle to mild and from one third to a quarter less than the sweetness of sugars such as sucrose. It therefore contributes to the sweet taste of some products without the added calories prebiotic. 菊粉有如蔗糖的甜味可以帮助调味。因此,它能够代替益生元卡路里。

Inulin is a fructooligosaccharide fibre derived from natural sources. As a prebiotic, Inulin stimulates the growth of friendly and healthy intestinal bacteria which supports good colon health. 菊粉是源自於天然来源的低聚果糖纤维。菊粉作为益生元,它刺激肠道益菌的生长,给予我们健康的结肠。

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号


Q: Who can take 21's TWO? 谁可以服用21's TWO?

21's TWO can be taken by overweight individuals age 18 and older. 21's TWO has been studied in ethnically diverse populations and has been proven safe and effective for all populations regardless of gender, race and initial weight. We would recommend to check with your doctor if you are unsure of your current health condition. 21's TWO 适合任何18岁以上的肥胖者。21's TWO 已经过多次的试验已确保对於不一样的年龄,种族或体重都是安全的。但如其他保健品,你可以服用前可以先谘询医护人员意见,您是否对某些成分敏感。

Q: How soon after taking 21's TWO should I expect to see results? 21's TWO 要服用多久才能看到效果?

If you follow a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet, and take 21's TWO as directed, you should see results in the first two weeks. Most weight loss usually occurs within the first 3 months. 只要搭配较低热量食物和定时地服用 21's TWO ,两星期内就会看到效果。在接下来的三个月内会看到更明显的瘦身效果。

Q: How long can I take 21's TWO? 21's TWO可以服用多久?

You can take it until you achieve your weight loss goal. Most weight loss occurs within the first 3 months of using 21's TWO. 21's TWO 可以长期服用,因为含有的天然成分,安全永久使用。通常三个月内都会看到瘦身效果。

Q: If 21's TWO only works on the fats in my food, how do I lose the fats in my body? 如果 21's TWO 只能在当天吃的食物起效果,如何能够减少体内脂肪?

21's TWO works by blocking the fats absorption in the food you eat. Since the calories that enters your system is reduced, you consume fewer calories, automatically you will burn fats in your body for the energy it needs. This can result in weight loss. 21's TWO 帮助减少脂肪吸收。我们人体如果摄取较少的脂肪,人体会自然的燃烧体内本有的脂肪,把燃烧的脂肪转换能量。

Q: When do I take 21's TWO? 如何服用21's TWO? The mealtime dosing schedule (half an hour before, during or half an hour after a meal) makes it easy to remember 21's TWO. However, if a dose is missed, 21's TWO can be taken up to half an hour after a meal and still be effective. 您可以跟随用餐时间的前半小时,用餐时或用餐後的半小时服用。但如果忘了服用 21's TWO,还是可以在用餐後的半小时内服用。

0. Detoxification -  21's ZERO [强效瘦身配套 - 0号]

1. Burn Fat -  21's ONE  [强效瘦身配套 - 1号]

2. Block Fat - 21's TWO  [强效瘦身配套 - 2号]

3. Slim Leg - 21's THREE  [强效瘦身配套 - 3号]

4. Block Carb - 21's FOUR  [强效瘦身配套 - 4号]
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