
星期一, 四月 08, 2019

Adam's 雄赳赳 | 现代男士量身而作的男人恩物

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👨Adam’s 是为现代男士量身而作的男人恩物。Adam’s能提供全方位的照顾, 由内至外,上至下,唤醒你身体里沉睡已久的男性荷尔蒙,激活你的雄性激素从而激發男人的欲望。
Adam’s 能让你再展雄风,增添自信,再次散发出男士原始的男性魅力—雄赳赳的男人味!💪

针对问题 :- 
👉Adam’s 能刺激你体内的細胞,准确地向针对性部位傳達信號,让你散发魅力!

👉Adam’s能激活男性內分泌器官,在你的男性荷尔蒙活跃帮助之下, 塑造男人寬闊的胸膛与肩膀,迷人的身形线条!




👉让Adam’s点燃你的雄性激素,增强你的男性特徵并雄风再现,Adam’s 更肩負調節精子製造及促進精子活動能力为使命!


⚡Adam’s 独特技术:

内调 (Adam’s)

【Adam’s 全方位内调护理】

👉牡蛎提取物别称蛎蛤、左顾牡蛎,是一种棕黄色粉末 。通常用来制作医药保健品,饮料和食物添加剂。它有助于平肝潜阳,软坚散结,收敛固涩。






✅含有维生素B12 - 具有造血功能的作用,预防恶性贫血,有明显的保肝利胆作用








1box Adam's : RM160
2box Adam's: RM280
4box Adam's: RM550
6box Adam's: RM800
8box Adam's: RM1050
12box Adam's: RM1490

Adam's & Eve's is a perfect product for MEN & WOMEN to balancing your hormone. Adam's is the comprehensive inner care product for MAN that builds your masculine.
ADAM’S SUITABLE FOR - Man with declining sex drive - Man who do less sport and non-active lifestyle - Man who are in midlife and menopause -
Man who are easily tired -
Man who are sexually active -
Man who suffer from insomnia -
Man with dysfunction ADAM'S is a specially tailored for the modern man. It can provide a full range of care, from inner to outer care, from top to bottom, by stimulating, waking up and activate your sleeping male hormones.
ADAM'S allows you to show your glory, self-esteem and again to exude your male charm and valiant masculine. IF hormone imbalance, will cause MALE main problems:
1) Appearances - bald & hypertrichosis / rough & dull aging skin / Wrinkles & dark spots appearance - The male hormone, testosterone (DHT), shortens the growth of hair and the hair fails to enter the fully mature stage. It will be replaced by pubescence gradually and the hair follicles will be shrink and hair will be lost as the result. SOLUTION: Adam's can prevent DHT & Hair follicles atrophy. It also will stimulate your body cells by improving men's microcirculation and blood circulation to promote hair growth.
2) Physique - Muscles soreness & weakness / big belly & fitness / lack of muscles & body lines / Osteoporosis - Androgens make men look more masculine and help to build the muscles. But after 30years of age, men's male hormones will be declined gradually and the tummy will easily grow big due to lacking androgens.
SOLUTION: with the help of male hormones, ADAM'S revive your endocrine organ and giving back your well-built body.
3) Physiological - Less semen & less ejaculation / sexual dysfunction / lust indifference or disappearance / penile erectile dysfunction / impotence / urinary symptoms of urinary frequency, nocturia, urine after drop. - The decline in male hormone levels can lead to male sexual retardation, decreased libido and sexual dysfunction.
Epididymal fluid secretion will be decreased and affected the sperm's maturation.
SOLUTION: Adam's can boosts up your male hormones and improved the whole reproductive system.


BENEFIT for Adam's Inner Care 
1) Improves men's microcirculation and blood circulation
2) Reducing the blood pressure and cholesterol
3) Strengthen the function of hematopoietic
4) Increase the length and hardness of the penis
5) Improves sperm's health and boost the success rate of the pregnancy
6) Improves the sleeping quality
7) Enhances sexual performance
😎 Protech the body cell and lower the risk of cancers
9) Percent blood vessel calcification and promotes blood vessel elasticity.
10) Enhances male reproductive system
11) Effectively treats the problem of impotence
12) Improving the immunity and lymphatic system
13) Reduces symptoms of frequency, nocturia, urgency, and terminal. Improves bladder control.

The main ingredient for Adam's Inner Care: 
1) Pumpkin Seed Extract - relieve bladder discomfort
2) Ginseng Extract - Energy booster and delay aging
3) Damiana Extract - increase vitality
4) Deffatted Flat Seet Extract - Anti inflammation, reducing blood lipids and pressure
5) Oyster Extract - Rplenish energy, increase the interest on bed and promote metabolism.

 *with low temperature extracton and sterillisatio technology, effectively retain the natural active ingredients and faster absorption by human.

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