Success Story:
Today i sharing my personal experience on my social media. But being tag by friend in the whatsapp. I just sharing my experiences, not promoting T.T
Product is too good not to share with others.Really, clean 6 effect are too amazing. I just consume 1 small pack of clean 5, and i go toilet and release my fat oil (that produce from food consumption).
One in the morning, one in the afternoon, night time and before went to bed. My toilet bowl are so dirty with the oil layer on it.
The wedding dinner that i went to, seriously i don't feel like i consume to many oily food, maybe the cooking skill is too good not to taste like so oily.
Pork was served the most oily, and the oil that i release is in orange colour, omg. As i can remember i do not eat something that in this colour. It mean that Clean 5 do release the fat that we do not know or can't see by our eye.
After release so many dirty stuff in my body, i feel more energy flowing on me, can stay more focus on what i'm doing too.
今天在facebook 和朋友们分享服用 Clean5 之后的感想。
Clean 5 真的不错,
吃了一包,我总共排了四次油。早上醒来一次,下午一次, 晚上一次,马桶真的好油。
可是我排便排出来的, 都是橘色(orange color ),像炸过食物的油那样。其实昨晚吃的并没有吃到有任何食物是有这个颜色的哦。
这也形容了, 排出来的油,不是你肉眼可以看到的油哦。

零售价 Selling Price at:
1Box - RM120
2Box - RM220
4Box - RM420
6Box - RM600
12Box - RM1200 (Free 1 Box )*