星期二, 四月 05, 2016

被逼吃 VIP | Being Force to take VIP | VIP Testimonial 见证68

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见证感言: 其实我很感谢逼我吃这个产品的人,没有她我就瘦不下来了。以前的我每天被人胖妹胖妹的叫,叫到我自己都很自卑。于是我开始偷偷买了很多减肥产品来服用,吃的喝的涂的都试过了结果还是没减到重身体也没瘦到。节食结果胃痛,运动又气喘没毅力。自己都放弃自己了。心想着就算了就这样吧让天注定吧。当我的Aunty拿着这一罐黑色的VIP给我逼我每天都要吃的时候,我是抱着敷衍她的心态试试看的。结果事实证明她是对的。成功让我体重从86kg下到70kg。站在秤上看到那跳起的数目的时候我开心到一直在狂跳傻笑。真的很感谢我的Aunty也感谢VIP的公司出产了那么棒的产品!现在的我已经有信心我还会再瘦下去的!

VIP Testimonial 68:
Customer Feedback: I wanna thank to the person who force me to try this VIP, if not i think i STILL FAT. Before this, i always being called by others "fat lady", "fat girl"; i feel so bad about it. And i had tried many other slimming product that did not work, slimming cream, slimming drink, diet food and so on. I also have fasting till i got an gastric; do sport, i feel so lazy. And i already give up on trying. Until one day, my aunty give me and black color bottle - VIP and force me to take it everyday. She prove that this pills is really working. My weight drop from 86 to 70 kg. I so happy during the time i measure my own weight. Thank you very much to the Aunty and also VIP's company who have invent a so great product. I feel much more confident now and i believe that i able to become more slimmer than now.