星期二, 三月 29, 2016

见证Testimonial 59 | VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex

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见证感言: 来自东马的妈咪本身体质属于超热气的说不管服用任何瘦身产品的牌子都会感觉到不适应....直到遇到一直合作的伙伴推出了新的VIP 拿了罐sample 给我吃!在还没服用前体重是80kg 因为属于体质比较热所以就一开始一天一粒而已!过程觉得很耐饱几乎每一餐服用的量都是普通的一半而已。不知不觉的就开始慢慢的瘦下!出去身边的人都说体型下了好多💪🏻💪🏻看到对比照瘦下好多就很兴奋的说了再接再厉瘦到18岁的身材.

VIP Testimonial:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex's  customer said: I from east Malaysia. My body's alway feeling hot and no matter using which slimming product I also will feel uncomfortable. Until recently, my co-partner introducing a new slimming product called VIP, I took one bottle of sample and decided to give a try. Before I consume VIP, my weight is 80kg. Due to my body's condition, I being advise to take only 1 pills per day. This VIP is really do well in controlling appetite, almost all my meal's portion was cut into half. With out notice, I get slimmer!! Before I know it, my friend and people around me saying that my body shape was thinner than before. Then I took my before and after photo out and make a comparison, so exicted because it really very obvious that I have shape slimmer. I will continue to fight my body become thin as teenage 18 year old, good luck to myself. 

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500