显示标签为“slimming pills”的博文。显示所有博文
显示标签为“slimming pills”的博文。显示所有博文

星期五, 七月 29, 2016

Pills Dissolve Up Close || 看看药丸在水里溶解。

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Pills Dissolve Up Close || 看看药丸在水里溶解。

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星期二, 三月 29, 2016

开开心心瘦身 | The Joy of Slim | VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex

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VIP slimming pills

VIP见证59: 见证感言:Selangor州生了五个宝贝的妈咪!!服用了VIP 28天左右瘦下9KG!!生产后肚腩变得很大很大,尝试过很多种减肥产品,成效不大!但为了瘦还是没放弃直到遇到我们超级神瘦身神器VIP。大大肚腩在3天内已经开始转变。 瘦下来来后都是心情愉快的妹纸,一起开心减肥吧✌✌✌

VIP Testimonial 59: Valued customer said: I live in Selangor and grown up 5 kids. After give born my tummy became so big, and that was terrify. Has tried a lot of slimming product but didn't work at all. Until I met our VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, I was keep trying new product. And, the result was surprising me, I got my weight lose till 9kg with in 28 days. And my tummy was actually got change smaller with in 3 days as well. I became more happier person after I slim down. To others customer, try VIP you will not not regret.    

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

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星期日, 三月 27, 2016

VIP | Clean 5 | 7Focus - April Fool Promotion Pack愚人节无效退款配套

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Slimming Expert 瘦身专家




白天瘦身 | 瘦身中也大吃大喝 | 就算睡觉也自动瘦身!
Morning diet | No worry and eat all you can | Sleeping also will slim! | No problem! | Money back guarantee if you not slim!

配套Package - 01 (初级配套 - Starter Pack)
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Clean 5  + 7 Foucs RM 380/- 
(原价:180 + 120  + 120  《 RM420》)

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星期五, 二月 26, 2016

『腰瘦』咯!| Want Sexy Waist is not just a dream | VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex

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VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - testimonial 40

见证感言: 刚刚吃完1个月VIP,让我意想不到的是大腿,手臂,身腰都变细了,这种兴奋感觉无法用语言来形容,一下子变漂亮,自信也来了,出门不烦没有衣服穿啦,谢谢VIP。

Testimonial 40 | Customer Feedback: 
Just finish VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex a month ago. I can't imagine that my big and fat thighs, arm and waist was so slim now. The happiness it bring are not able to explain by words. Life change - become more pretty now and i found my confident back. Cloths in wardrobe no longer lonely.

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - testimonial 37

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex & clean 5 - testimonial 37

见证感言: 一直以来,我都是高高瘦瘦的,身高178cm的我,体重都维持在58kg左右。去年跑去了纽西兰回来后,才惊觉自己胖了很多,足足14kg,从来都没有如此胖过,朋友都以为我怀孕了,这种感觉真的很难受。以前让人羡慕的平坦小腹不见了,镜子里看到的自己肚腩大,腿很粗,体重上升到72kg,很恐怖的数字以前曾经参加选美比赛的我,自信心完全被身上的肥肉脂肪击溃,原来肥胖真的很恐怖!!

Testimonial 37 | Customer Feedback: 
I was been tall and slim most of the time, 178cm and 58kg. But last year, after back from New Zealand, i almost went crazy, my weight increase 14kg! I never being so fat before this. My friends all thought i was pregnant! I feeling horible! My Sexy body gone, fat belly, i lost confident in myself, my career was depend on it. But After my friend introduced VIP Bio Mangosteen to me, i glad that i tried! and i lose 10kg! And the most incredible is, i totally did not work out! I feel like i found myself again, thanks to VIP.

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价

1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

clean 5 customer reviews

clean 5 products descriptions
Clean 5 (14包/盒)  
1Box  - RM120 
2Box  - RM220 
4Box  - RM420 
6Box  - RM600 
12Box  - RM1200 (Free 1Box )

1+1 配套节省更多

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Clean 5 = RM 280/- 
(原价:180 + 120 = RM 300/-)

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星期四, 二月 18, 2016

57kg 跌爆 50.5kg !VIP惊人效果!| From 57kg dropped to 50.5kg ! Vip incredible Effect.

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顾客不单单只是满意效果,更让顾客本身感动。顾客因为肥胖问题,而被身边朋友亲戚笑说是"树碌”。体重最高为57公斤。经过服用我们2016最畅销的瘦身药丸 VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex。 如今体重已经下降到 50.50公斤!现在顾客不用再受亲戚朋友笑了!感动。

Customer is not only satisfied with the results, but also inspire customer a lot. Customer has obesity problems and always being joke by her friend and  relative, called her "shu-lu" which mean look like a tree without any body shape. During the obesity time, body weight go up to 57kilogram. Luckly customer meet our 2016 best selling weight loss pills VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. Now the weight has dropped to 50.50 kilograms! That is super incredible result. Now customer become praise of everybody!

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价
1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500
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