星期四, 三月 31, 2016

Taste of Clean 5 | Clean 5 味道如何?

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顾客好评 03 :
顾客说:顾客说Clean 5 的味道很不错,不会难吃;而且有少许酸酸甜甜的。 吃了第二天排油出来。 最重要的是顾客说排出来的油是一层红红类似辣椒油的颜色,超级恶心,还好这个油没被身体吸收。

Customer Testimonial 03:
Customer mention: According to customer, Clean 5 taste are very nice, it taste a bit sour and sweet too. The most important is after have the Clean5,  my body release oil liquid on second day. The oil was look like red in color, just like chili oil, very disgusting. Luckily this was not absorb by the body.
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星期二, 三月 29, 2016

见证Testimonial 59 | VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex

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见证感言: 来自东马的妈咪本身体质属于超热气的说不管服用任何瘦身产品的牌子都会感觉到不适应....直到遇到一直合作的伙伴推出了新的VIP 拿了罐sample 给我吃!在还没服用前体重是80kg 因为属于体质比较热所以就一开始一天一粒而已!过程觉得很耐饱几乎每一餐服用的量都是普通的一半而已。不知不觉的就开始慢慢的瘦下!出去身边的人都说体型下了好多💪🏻💪🏻看到对比照瘦下好多就很兴奋的说了再接再厉瘦到18岁的身材.

VIP Testimonial:
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex's  customer said: I from east Malaysia. My body's alway feeling hot and no matter using which slimming product I also will feel uncomfortable. Until recently, my co-partner introducing a new slimming product called VIP, I took one bottle of sample and decided to give a try. Before I consume VIP, my weight is 80kg. Due to my body's condition, I being advise to take only 1 pills per day. This VIP is really do well in controlling appetite, almost all my meal's portion was cut into half. With out notice, I get slimmer!! Before I know it, my friend and people around me saying that my body shape was thinner than before. Then I took my before and after photo out and make a comparison, so exicted because it really very obvious that I have shape slimmer. I will continue to fight my body become thin as teenage 18 year old, good luck to myself. 

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

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绝对让顾客放心服用的 VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex | When you Believe you Can Do It.

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见证感言: 从小就是个小胖妞!到20岁的时候已经高峰去到90KG !用过减肥产品无效很没有信心,之前非常担心我们产品效果,但是减肥意向非常强烈,最终决定迈出了一步。在服用了第五天的VIP 给我们带来好消息瘦了3KG !不到一个月时间已经把3个L 的衣服换到XL ,肚子和背后肉肉有明显瘦下来的效果,肥胖不可怕,可怕的是你想瘦下来,但是你永远都不愿意相信别人!!

VIP Testimonial 63: 
Customer feedback: I was fat since childhood. When i aged 20 years, my weight also reached to the max 90kg. Tried for so many diet product but none of them was working for me. I still have strong faith in my that one day i will become slimmer. So i decided to give a try on VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex. Amazingly i was really surprise i my weight lose 3kg within 5 days. Continue to consume this amazing product for 1 month, i have to change all my cloth and paid from XL size to L size. The most obvious result was my tummy and my back. Seriously, Fat doesn't kill you, what make it worse
is you never ask for help from the correct consultancy.

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500
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开开心心瘦身 | The Joy of Slim | VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex

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VIP slimming pills

VIP见证59: 见证感言:Selangor州生了五个宝贝的妈咪!!服用了VIP 28天左右瘦下9KG!!生产后肚腩变得很大很大,尝试过很多种减肥产品,成效不大!但为了瘦还是没放弃直到遇到我们超级神瘦身神器VIP。大大肚腩在3天内已经开始转变。 瘦下来来后都是心情愉快的妹纸,一起开心减肥吧✌✌✌

VIP Testimonial 59: Valued customer said: I live in Selangor and grown up 5 kids. After give born my tummy became so big, and that was terrify. Has tried a lot of slimming product but didn't work at all. Until I met our VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex, I was keep trying new product. And, the result was surprising me, I got my weight lose till 9kg with in 28 days. And my tummy was actually got change smaller with in 3 days as well. I became more happier person after I slim down. To others customer, try VIP you will not not regret.    

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

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星期一, 三月 28, 2016

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - Testimonial | 又来见证咯

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VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - testimonial

见证61: 见证感言: 在外奔波一年,餐餐不定时,不知不觉肥起来,跟朋友见面的时候 听到的都是怎麼越來越發福了,也被家人嫌肥,明明才20歲不到,卻被讲像阿姨这样  。。。为了摆脱“阿姨”这两个形容词,决定使用VIP 产品 。2个星期时间瘦了,多余的肉肉都不见了 !! 变成18/19岁小妹妹的身份!感动 !因为VIP  才能让我拥有享瘦的滋味 。
Customer's testimonial:

Being busy running around at outside, meal always not take in time , suddenly become so fat. When gathering with my friends and family, always ask me why recently become so fat? Became fat really terrible, my age only 20 year old, but called aunty by others. To solve all this, I decide to give a try on VIP Bio Mangosteen complex. Surprisingly, I get slim within 2 week time. My fat chubby body gone. Now I look younger like teenage 18-19year old. Thank to VIP I get my slim body back. 

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex - testimonial 60
见证感言: 我是2012年8月生了双胞胎后,错过了前6个月的瘦身黄金时机,试了很多种瘦身的产品,吃的,喝的,涂的,贴的都没有效果,重点是没有人指导我应该怎么吃才有效果,直到遇到vip,你们的教导,才让我看到我真的能瘦回下来
Testimonial No.60:
Customer feedback: I have a twin baby on 2012 August, and I missing the golden timing to get slim within the first 6 month. Then I had tried a lot of slimming product, drinks, pills, slimming cream, paste and not a single products is working for me. Also the point is no tutor guide how to use the product to get myself slim down. Lastly I met my slimming mentor, who introduce and guide me how to use VIP Bio Mangosteen complex, and finally I get my slim body back.

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Testimonial

vip bio mangosteen complex - products description

VIP Bio Mangosteen - customer review

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex 零售价1罐 RM 180
2罐 RM 320
3罐 RM 450(无效退款配套)
4罐 RM 580
6罐 RM 820
12罐RM 1500

clean 5 customer reviews

clean 5 products descriptions
Clean 5 (14包/盒)  
1Box  - RM120 
2Box  - RM220 
4Box  - RM420 
6Box  - RM600 
12Box  - RM1200 (Free 1Box )

1+1 配套节省更多

VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Clean 5 RM 280/- 
(原价:180 + 120 = RM 300/-)
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星期日, 三月 27, 2016

New Arrival - Stay Tune | 愚人节新品上架 (尽情期待)

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VIP | Clean 5 | 7Focus - April Fool Promotion Pack愚人节无效退款配套

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Slimming Expert 瘦身专家




白天瘦身 | 瘦身中也大吃大喝 | 就算睡觉也自动瘦身!
Morning diet | No worry and eat all you can | Sleeping also will slim! | No problem! | Money back guarantee if you not slim!

配套Package - 01 (初级配套 - Starter Pack)
VIP Bio Mangosteen Complex Clean 5  + 7 Foucs RM 380/- 
(原价:180 + 120  + 120  《 RM420》)

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星期日, 三月 13, 2016

7Focus 让您睡醒就变瘦? (绝对不是做梦醒)|| 完整资料 | Complete Description

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7 Focus - Contact

Amazing Result in 7 Days


临睡前一定会对着镜子发梦说:如果我睡醒马上就瘦了那该有多好啊 󾌧
名副其实 ✌ 确确实实 ✌ 睡觉也能瘦!!

不是夸大其词! 确有此事!
手上已经有见证了, 你也想睡醒马上就瘦吗??

7FOCUS 主要是针对下半身肥胖/水肿/难受体质

✔主要原因是去水肿 瘦腿 瘦下半身
✔1盒 15包
✔刚开始吃的时候, 晚上会跑厕所尿尿, 刚开始可能5-6次, 然后慢慢就3-4次, 然后排到最后大概1-2次而已。

✔来自哪里: US

Product Information 產品簡介:
7Focus delivers major benefits including fat burning, breaking down of fat and boosting of metabolism. It contains Vitamins A, B and C which are often lacking in individuals on a weight reduction diet. With the help with our advanced technology: MaxyCore Complex™, 7Focus is infused with Melilotus extract, which expedites water excretion for those prone to water retention and accumulation of internal body fat.

7Focus 所帶來的好處包括脂肪燃燒、脂肪分解和促進體內新陳代謝。它也含有瘦身飲食裡經常缺乏的維生素A、B和C。再加上先進技術MaxyCore Complex™ 的幫助, 在充滿草木樨提取物的 7Focus 裡發揮完美功效,加速消除水腫以及脂肪囤積的煩惱。

MaxyCore Complex™

7Focus contains the anti-oxidant qualities necessary to promote thermogenesis which increases the metabolism of fat. It also helps increasing carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate, maintain energy levels while dieting and fat burning process meanwhile curbing the appetite.

除此之外,7Focus 更包含人體必要的抗氧化劑,提升體內產熱功能,進而提高脂肪的代謝。這也有助於加快燃燒碳水化合物和提高代謝率、維持能量水平,同時在脂肪燃燒的過程當中有效的抑制食慾。

Benefits 好處:
When used with a healthy diet plan, the highly effective 7 Focus helps shaping your calves, thighs, hips, legs and stomach in just 7 days! Love to over-indulge, yet hate the unwanted kilos creeping on? 7Focus will definitely be the smartest choice for you to have the perfect body. 當您服用 7Focus 時,只要再加上健康的飲食習慣,您將能在短短的 7 天內輕鬆塑造完美小腿、大腿、臀部、腿部和腹部。如果您偶爾想要放縱自己,但又擔心自己變胖,服用 7Focus 將是您最明智的選擇。

[1] Anti-edematous 消水腫
[2] Diuretic & carminative 利尿和驅風
[3] Breakdown & burn fat 分解和燃燒脂肪
[4] Curb appetite 抑制食慾
[5] Boost up blood circulation 促進血液循環
[6] Anti-oxidant 抗氧化

Main Ingredients & Functions 主要成分:
Melilotus extract 草木樨提取物 (Coumarin 香豆素 5%) 200mg
Java tea extract 爪哇茶提取物 20mg
Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 銀杏提取物 20mg
Chilli extract 辣椒提取物 2mg

7 Focus - Ingeredients

[a] Melilotus extract 草木樨提取物 (Coumarin 香豆素 5%):
Antiphlogistic, diuretic, emollient, carminative, anti-edematous and anti-exudative.

[b] Java tea extract 爪哇茶提取物:
Anti-edematous, anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. 消水腫、抗氧化劑、消炎、利尿、解痙、抗微生物和抗真菌。

[c] Ginkgo biloba leaf extract 銀杏提取物:
Improves blood circulation and acts as antioxidant. 改善血液循環和作為抗氧化劑。

Advanced Technology 高端技術:
MaxyCore Complex™ (MCC) is an unique technology which was developed by our researchers in North America. The incredible results of 7Focus came from mainly the amazing patent-pending MaxyCore Complex™. This advanced technology infuses all of the main ingredients to our body twice as fast. It also makes them so concentrated, which then help maximizing the already potent slimming effects. Besides, MaxyCore Complex™ is a 100% natural formulation which is scientifically designed to have Dual-Action in order to enhance your weight loss efforts. It also promotes happy mood and protects against cellular oxidative stress. These added synergistic benefits truly make 7Focus a full spectrum supplement.
MaxyCore Complex™是一項在美國研發的高端技術。7Focus 能夠擁有神奇的瘦身效果,主要是因為它含有被稱為 MaxyCore Complex™。這種先進的技術把 7Focus 的主要成分快速的注入體內,並能使它們更為濃縮,進而幫助加強減肥的效果。此外, 7Focus 採用 100% 天然成分,在經過科學研發後,其 Dual-Action 有助您更快速的減輕體重。此外,它也能幫助促進愉快的心情和防治細胞氧化。MaxyCore Complex™ 是我們多年的心血,它成功的把 7Focus 化身為一個全方位的健康瘦身輔助品。

After conducting a clinical study with 100 overweight asian women and men after taking 7 Focus for 7 days, as high as 95% resulted in reduction of body weight and 98% claimed to have slimmer contour at the lower part of their bodies. 根據統計 100 位超重亞洲女性和男性的臨床驗證報告顯示,服用 7 Focus 七天後,95%服用者的體重下降,以及98%覺得下半身(腹部和腹部以下)有明顯的變瘦了。

FAQ 常問問題:
How soon will I be able to see the results? 我何時才能看見效果?
A: Every individual reacts differently to any supplement, hence, the result may vary. Most consumers experience significant improvement within 7 days. However, according to our evidence based report and testimonial, 7 Focus reduces the problem of oedema and edematous, reduces body fat and weight issues.
每一個人的身體狀況和反應都不同,因此其結果也會有所不同。大多數服用者可以在 7 天內體驗顯著的改善。根據我們的統計報告,7Focus 能夠有效的改善浮腫和水腫問題、改善脂肪以及體重過高的問題。

Who is not suitable to consume this product? 誰不適合服用此產品?
A: Pregnant and lactating women are not suitable for this product. For those who are on medication or undergoing doctor’s supervision, please consult your doctor or physician before taking this product.

Why do I need to take 7Focus? 為什麼要服用 7Focus?
A: 7Focus is scientifically proven to be very effective on anti-edematous, reduces body weight, and shaping your lower body in just one week time. With the enhanced MaxyCore Complex™ technology, the results will be doubled up and twice as fast.
7Focus 已經科學證明,是一種擁有抗水腫、減輕體重、以及能在短短一個星期內塑造您身材的健康輔助品。再加上 MaxyCore Complex™ 高端技術的配合,其效果將會被大大提升而且更快速。

Do I need to continue consuming 7 focus even i have lost weight? 如果已達到瘦身效果,我還需要繼續服用7 Focus嗎?
Yes. It is advisable to continue consuming 7 Focus even you have achieved your desired body weight, in order to maintain your ideal weight in a longer period of time. 是需要的。若想要效果更持久專家們還是建議您繼續服用7 Focus。這是因為7 Focus能夠幫助您保持理想的體重,效果不會反彈。

Will long-term usage of 7 Focus cause any side effects? 長期服用會帶來副作用嗎?
All of our ingredients are 100% of natural origin and there are no side effects that have ever been reported even in its prolonged consumption. 7 Focus所採用的成份都是100%的天然來源。即使長時間服用都不會有副作用。
Frequents asked question

Precaution 備註:
Avoid consuming more than recommended daily dosage. 避免服用超過建議的每日劑量。

This product is not for pregnant and lactating women. 此產品不適合孕婦和哺乳期婦女。

Consult your doctor if you are on medication, or undergoing doctor’s supervision. 如果您正在服用藥物或正處於接受醫生的監督的狀況下,請在服用此產品前諮詢你的主診醫生。

Direction 服用方式:
1 capsule per day before bedtime. 每天睡前服用 1 膠囊。

Keep in a cool dry place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.

7 focus - slim with in one nights

7 Focus 顾客见证01:
腿漂亮穿什么都好看 - 服用7focus后, 隔天醒来大腿既然瘦了2.5寸!效果太惊人了!昨晚才25寸,第二天却变成22.5寸!简直开心死了。

7 Focus Customer Testimonial 01:
Match up with any dress with my Beutiful Legs - After comsume 7 Focus, i was shocked, leg lenght reduced 2.5 inche. That result was amazing. Before sleep was 25inche, wake up at second day it became 22.5 inche! Really bring me happiness!

7 Focus - 瘦腿神器

7 Focus 见证03:
代理: 你那下1.1kg是什么?
顾客: 7 Focus
代理: 你的体重终于能下了。
顾客: (照片) 我量了很多次。

7 Focus Testimonial 03:
Agent:What you mean by drop 1.1kg?What product you using?
Customer: 7 Focus
Agent: Wow, Finally your body weight able to reduce.
Customer: Yes, finally dropped.
Customer: (picture sent ) I measure it over and over.



零售价 (配套+ RM100)
1Box RM120
2Box RM220
4Box RM420
6Box RM600
12Box Free 1Box RM1200

7Focus 让您睡醒就变瘦? (绝对不是做梦醒)||  完整资料 | Complete Description
7 Focus || Complete Testimonial  完整好评篇

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